Chapter fifty-three

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Taehyung's pov:
I've been searching for my pregnant mate for a week so far, and the clock keeps ticking by. I need he him back, my alpha needs him, he carrying our pups for crying out loud. I feel that I have failed to protect my family. And these bloody men are slacking at their job to help me find them, my omega and pups are alive, I can sense it, if only these idiots will fucking listen me!

"Why don't you just give up?!" One of the men shouted at me, I growled in irritation, "Because I know he's alive!!" I snapped. "How do you know for sure!?!!? His fat ass is probably dead by now!!!!" He did not just say that about my omega! I shot up from my seat, glaring daggers at him, "He is pregnant!! You fucking arrogant bastard!! They are not dead!! He is my mate and I will not stop until I have him again!!" Seeing some roll their eyes, lord these alphas and betas are just asking to get fired. "It's been over a week Head Alpha!!" A male beta retorted, I slammed my fist against my wooden desk, my sight went red,
"Yeah!! A fucking week!! And you all still haven't found him!! Now do your fucking job as investigators and help me find my pregnant mate!!!"
The investigators rushed out of my room, making sure to slam the door. I groaned, and slumped back into my chair. Everything felt so déjà-vu, what is it with wolfs talking my omega. I mean, first my jealous ex kidnapped him, but she's in jail. So who in the bloody moon would kidnap him, again, and why!?
I then gasped, sitting up in my seat, "Wait... the moon...." I grumbled to myself. Bolting out of my office chair and heading towards my hidden room.
Making sure to close the door/bookshelf on my way inside the hidden room, I make my way to tall bookshelf, that held many books about magic, legends, and history. Using a finger to help me skim through the names on the spin of each book, "Aha!" I shouted. Snatching an old, blue book, "Blue moon Legends", which is printed in silver on the cover. I turn to the table of contents, remembering when I read something about the blue moon, something about the blue moon appearing thrice in one week, occurring every ten to fifteen years in the winter. Hoseok's doctor brought it up, but him and Hoseok only spoke little bits of the story to me. It's more like a legend, a myth almost, because this type of thing hasn't happened in decades, maybe even centuries.
I then found the chapter I was searching for, and immediately began reading the slightly faded words.

Third pov:
When two destined mates make love on the night of the first blue moon, the omega instantly carries, getting early signs of dizziness, high in senses, and feeling the fetus growing inside. The alpha can't sense if their omega is carrying or not because the omega won't show symptoms until at least six to seven weeks, and won't have physical changes until at least five or six months, possibly not at all. They won't have a change in scent, but it will feel and be a pregnancy every other omega has. Mood swings, hormones, nausea, back pain, cramps, everything.
But, the omega might thin out slightly, yet it's normal, it's a sign of good health and nutrients, for both the omega and pup, or pups.

Three blue moon types and powers:
On that blue moon, an omega who finds their destined mate and gets marked, courted, during the week of a blue moon:
The first moon being the love moon, where the couple mate, and/or make love.
The second blue moon is the power blue moon, where the destined mates make love again, but the omega and pups conceive powers.
The omega's courted and is officially mated with their destined mate. And is conceiving their alphas pup, or pups. The omega is no longer an ordinary omega.
The omega now has the speed of a leopard. The strength of a rhinoceros beetle. The dominance of an alpha.
And the power to control all elements, earth, fire, wind, water, and spirit.
On the last blue moon, known as the alpha moon, the alpha receives similar powers.
Both mates have the ability to telepathically communicate from far away, but only with each other and their pups. Both will have a high sense of smell, hearing, and vision.
Doesn't mater if the alpha and omega are in wolf form or human, they have these powers and gifts to their advantage.

Physical changes:
The eye color of the omega will change, from blue to an unknown color and will see the world in that color. The alpha will see the color red, but his eyes will appear as white.
The pups will receive powers, but it could be any type of power that is genetically brought down from the mother and father.
On the day the pups are due to come, the blue moon will appear that night, signaling the arrival of the destined mates offspring.
There are many more powers that the mates might be gifted with, but it is still unknown."

"You see Hoseok, your pups are gifted, powerful, I found out that your blood alone is like gold, it's worth so much money and can make any wolf powerful."

Hoseok glared at the alpha, already knowing about this information. He read about it when he was younger, wanting to know more about his tattoo mark. "More a curse than a blessing if it's in the wrong hands, that book is legend, it only informs a peek of what I'm capable of now."
Josh's brow rose in amusement, and mockery, "Did you by chance, use the alpha, just so you could get these powers omega?" He grinned evilly, receiving a growl from the omega, his eyes glowing a bright violet, trying to launch at the alpha, but the chains held him back.
"I love Taehyung! We didn't receive these powers until we mated during the blue moon. I didn't plan on mating with him, but I don't regret it either because I love him." Hoseok defended, then flinched, hissing in pain, rubbing under his belly. "Wait. How long was I asleep?!" Hoseok shouted, the ugly grin got bigger on the alphas face. "Chloroform, it apparently has a stronger effect on pregnant omegas, it makes them sleep for almost nearly two weeks. You, my love, were out for twelve days, longer than last time." Hoseok's eyes narrowed at the alpha, as he breathed through the pain. "Don't call me that. You fucking, son of a bitch, I am marked omega, so don't even try," the omega said through gritted teeth. Josh let out a low dark chuckle, "I can easily change that after you give birth omega."' Hoseok snarled at the idiot of an alpha, "You lay a finger on me and my family, then I'll make your life a living hell."Josh only clicked his tongue, not frightened of the omega, which is a mistake. But he doesn't  care, he thinks the omega deserves to be punished and locked away.

"What do you want from me anyway?!" Hoseok snapped, but then winced, still holding his hand under his belly, breathing through the pain, tears began to well up and roll down his cheeks.
"The one thing you took away from me, power. You see when they locked me up, they made it too easy for me to escape. And moving here, meeting your lovely parents, making a deal with them. And by god, your parents and I enjoyed giving your alpha a hard time. Just doing random stuff, telling him about how much you're worth, how you're just using him for his fame and money, how you just wanted to get close to him because he was head alpha. We were trying to trigger him, but it didn't work, Mrs. Lee and I met, she is such a sweet girl. I don't know why you two butt heads, yet when she informed me about the cinnamon scent that bothers you.... promising her I would get her the head alpha, if she was able to drag you out of the picture, she tried one more time, but didn't end to well for her. I heard she got a new job sadly and oddly moved on and doesn't have the need for the head alpha no more..... anyway, I must go fetch your lovely parents now." The alpha then left, slamming the door on his way out.
Hoseok let out a scream, not of pain, but of anger. But the cried and whimpered, from feeling another pain ripping through him, breathing through it. They were about thirty to forty minutes apart, but the contraction is very stretched out and uneven, meaning he's going to be in labor for a while, again.
After the contraction, the omega closed his eyes, focusing to contacts his alpha.

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