Chapter twenty-one**

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**Warning!! Rape/Smut!!

Hoseok's pov:
I was laid comfortably under the covers of my bed, feeling lonely in my apartment. It didn't help that is was really cloudy out tonight. So I wasn't able to see the moon and the stars, so it felt gloomy. Making me feel even more lonely, yet I can hear all the different genres of music, blasting
from the party's in my apparent building and of course from the city that never sleeps. There was an outline of flashing lights, peaking around the curtains on my window.
I'm aware, it's New Year's Eve, but I didn't care, I'm still not ready to go out. Plus, Taehyung is having fun and that's all that matters to me. My phone then vibrates on my nightstand, the screens light filled up the darkness in my room. I groaned and reach out, taking it from the magnetic charger. Flinching and squinting at the bright screen, I pushed myself up and leaned against my headboard, so I wouldn't drop my phone on my face when trying to see whatever the notification was. A yawn creeped out of me, as I unlocked my phone, seeing I got a text message. It's midnight, isn't everyone asleep or partying, I sighed, my eyes now fully adjusted to the bright screen. Its a message from Jimin, that's weird, I opened up his contact, reading the new text.

'Could you pick Tae up, he's drunk and Jiwo can't because she's with her girlfriend tonight.'

I'm confused to why Jimin would be at the party, I would think he would be at home with his mates and pups. This is too weird, is Jimin ok? Is he in danger? Is Taehyung in danger? A heavy sigh deflated out of me, my head was beginning to ache and the loud music doesn't help either.

'Ok, but why are you at the party, shouldn't you be home right now?'

'I'm not, his sister asked me, to ask you, to pick him up. Here's his house address. Now go pick up your Romeo!'

'Weird,' I thought, my brows scrunched from confusion and worry build up inside me. I sighed and shrugged it off, tossing my phone on my bed and sliding out of the comfy sheets. Throwing on the first thing I saw in my closet. Putting on a black hoodie over a green t-shirt, that I was already wearing in bed and slid on a pair of black sweatpants. Running my fingers through my hair, as I head out of my room, taking my keys and wallet and sliding on white converse. Making sure to lock my apparemment door before leaving.
I head down to my car in the parking garage, unlocking it and hopped inside. Then drove off to the Kim company, knowing it will take about forty-five minutes to get to the company because of all the party's going on right now.

Taehyung's pov:
"Would you like a drink sir?" The bar tender asked me, I shook my head.
"No thank you, my rut is starting some time this week, so I don't want alcohol to trigger it and do something I will regret."
I love drinking when I am in the mood too, the feeling of my stress gone and forgotten. I love it, but when it comes to my rut, then I know to limit myself and tell myself 'no'.
One of my workers came up to me, his breath reeked of alcohol, his arm slung over my shoulders. I shoved his sweaty arm off of me, my nose scrunching at his scent, that was badly intoxicated with different off brands of alcohol. "Aww come on doss! It New Years!" True, but I still shook my head, "I'm good, now go dance!" I shouted to him over the loud music. I asked for water from the bar tender. He hands me a glass of water, I sniffed it before even taking a sip from it. It smelled fine, so I tried a small sip, thinking it was safe. So I continued to drink it all, but then everything after that, was a blur.

Third pov:
Hoseok parked his car in the garage, only able to park on the twentieth level because of the party. Now he will haft to deal with a drunk Taehyung leaning on him in the elevator for thirty levels. Hoseok huffed, getting out of his car, shutting the car door. Pushing the lock button on his key, not able to hear his cars beep sound from how loud the music was. He head over to the elevator, pressing the up arrow and waiting for the door to slide open. Once the doors opened, Hoseok's eyes shot open and jumped to the side, from a giant group of drunk girls that exited the elevator, ignoring the male omega completely. Hoseok blinked a few times, but then rolled his eyes and stepped inside the elevator, pressing the button that had an 'R' on it, sending him up to the roof.

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