Chapter forty

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Hoseok's pov:
I open the door, seeing the alpha to be shirtless. I cleared my throat, my eyes wandering anywhere but at the half dressed alpha. "You need pajamas?" He asked me, I nod my head slowly. Seeing a white t-shirt in front of me, "Th-Thank you," I mumbled.
My eyes glanced up slightly, seeing him put a shirt on.
"You... you gave the twins their own... room?" I asked, still in shock and disbelief that he did that.
Taehyung only shrugged and nod, folding his costume up and putting it in a bag and setting it by his desk. He started fiddling with a ring on his finger, his eyes glued to the hard wood flooring of his room. "I just thought that sense they stay here quite a bit, that they should have their own room, instead of a guest room. So I had them pick out what they wanted for the colors and what bed they wanted, stuff they needed... just so they felt more comfortable here... I-I guess, but yeah..."
The alpha cleared his throat, scratching the back of his neck.
"I uh, also ordered the pizza, it should be here soon," Taehyung added, feeling my heart skip a beat.
"You can change in here if you'd like, I'll just leave and give you space..." He softly spoke and was about to head out of the room. But I stopped him, "Uh Taehyung?" I called, my voice a little shaky from built up nerves.
"Hmm?" Turning to face me, I felt my face heat up even more.
"Do... do you mind unzipping my uh dress... please?" I asked shyly, my gaze locked on the floor.
"Uh ye-yeah um, sure..." He stuttered out. I turned my back towards the alpha, Taehyung came up behind me and unzipped my dress. I mumbled out a soft 'thank you'.
Taehyung nod, "No problem, I'll wait outside the door for you, I can show you around the house if you'd like?."
I gave him a soft smile and nod, "I would love that Tae," I replied, watching the alpha leave his room so I could change.

Taehyung's pov:
I love that omega so much, but I'm too much of a coward to do or say anything. I raped him for crying out loud, I can't just walk up to him and ask him out. Each time we're close to kissing or even hugging, I panic and push him away. I sighed out a groan leaning against the hallway wall, hearing my bedroom door open. I turn to see him in one of my baggy white T-shirt's and holy shit, he looks so hot in it. I sucked in a breath, seeing his shoulder exposed, along with the tattoo mark. I never thought he would let it show so easily now. And his thighs, so thick, I want to bite them. I cleared my throat, needing to control myself, and then led him down the short hall to the living room.
"Ok, so this is the family room, to the right, through that archway is the kitchen and over here..." I pointed to another archway, that was straight across from us.
"Is the dinning room and this hall we just came from, has a full bath, that connects to my room. There is also a guest room down there as well, upstairs has a full bath, the twins room and two guest rooms. There is a pool outside, you would just go through the French doors in the kitchen, that has a porch annnndd the basement is the door right here." I said as I opened the door right next to us. "I put in a theater and a game room down there, but yeah, make yourself at home," I said giving him a box smile.
He nod his head and returned and a soft smile. The sparkle in his eyes, reminding me of something, my eyes shot open and I snap my fingers. I take his hand in mine, "Follow me," I whispered, as I led him upstairs and opening the attic door next to the twins bedroom. I turn on the light and walk up the stairs, with his soft hand still in mine. The attic was made into another guest bedroom, because it was so big, I still used it for storage. But it was the size of the houses square footage, so I just made it into another room.
I led us to French doors, leading to a small balcony, walking by a king bed and unlocking the door. We step outside the cool Autom air, I turn to see his face in awe. The view of the star lit sky, the full moon shinning on the color changing trees and a little garden in my backyard. The twins helped me chose and plant different vegetables and fruits.
"Taehyung... it's so beautiful..." he gasped out, resting his hands on the railing. I smiled, not paying much attention to the landscape.
"Yeah... it is beautiful..." I mumbled, leaning against the railing.
His head turned towards me, the moonlight always shined just right on him. Making me lost in those dark orbs, my eyes glance at his lips, then back at his eyes. I felt myself lean closer to him, feeling his breath, for we were so close and barely an inch away.
The doorbell went off, making me jump and move away from him.
I clear my throat, "That must be the uh pizza... I-I will just um... yeah..." I stuttered out, apologizing before I left to go get the door.

Hoseok's pov:
I felt my face heat up, after what almost just happened. His eyes are always so hypnotizing, I love him, still, even after everything that happened in the past. But I don't know for sure if he feels the same. He confuses me all the time, always acting like he wants to kiss me, hug me... but he pulls away, all the time. And when he holds my hand, it always sends butterflies in my stomach, but he always acts like it never happened when we separate, like he wasn't about to kiss me, hold me, hug me, anything. It's like it never happened for him. Even if I try to build up enough courage to make the first move, he makes up an excuse and pushes me away.
I shake my thoughts away, stepping back inside the house and locking the French door behind me. I step down the stairs and head to the twins room, opening the door, seeing they're both still asleep, cuddling against each other. Something they did sense they were inside me, they alway hug each other at nighttime, I makes me wish they didn't grow up so fast.
I step up to them, gently shaking them awake, hearing them whimper and groan. Masumi rubbed his eyes with a balled fist.
"Hi sweeties, are you hungry?" I ask softly, seeing them nod their head tiredly. "The pizza is here, you two haft to get up, to go down and eat."
They shot out of bed, tumbling down the stairs to the bunk bed, bolting out of their room and heading downstairs, to the living room. I giggle at their action, following behind them and meeting them in the living room. Taehyung handed me a plate with a slice of my favorite pizza.
"You kids want to watch a movie?" He asked, they both nod their heads.
"Alright, what movie are you two in the mood for tonight?" He asked, while scrolling through Netflix. I sat down next to him on the couch, taking a bite out of the cheesy and saucy bread.
"Hocus Poke us!!" They both shouted at the same time. I hear his deep, yet soft chuckle, "Alright, Hocus Pocus it is!" He said, putting the movie on.

The twins fell asleep in the middle of the movie, Taehyung quietly stored the left over pizza in a container and placed it in the fridge. He picked up Masumi, as I picked up Boni, and we both head upstairs, placing them in bed. I placed Boni next to her brother, knowing they can't sleep without each other. They both cling and cuddle close together. I ran my fingers through their dark locks and peck a kiss on their heads, tucking them in.
"Happy Birthday my sweet pups..." I whispered, cracking their bedroom door as I left.
I see Taehyung leaning against the hallway wall, a small smile on his lips.
I tilt my head in confusion, crossing my arms, "What?" I asked in a low voice, a small smirk twitching onto my lips. He shrugged his shoulders, "Nothing... you are just... a really great mother is all," his voice was so soft and gentle when he said that. I lightly giggle, "They're the reason why I'm a mother... they mean the world to me, I don't know what I would do without them to be honest..." I whispered, my eyes dropping to the wooden floor.
"They're wonderful kids Hoseok, I love them so much, I'm happy to have them in my life..." He states, letting out a long sad sigh.
My eyes glance back up at him, I step closer to him, using my knuckle to wipe his tears away.
"You're here for them now and that's all that matters Taehyung... I'll see you in the morning... ok?" I said to him softly, knowing he is full of regret, gilt and shame now.
He sniffled, nodding his head, we both say our good nights and head to bed.

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