Chapter eighteen

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Hoseok's pov:
Today is the twenty-fourth, Christmas Eve, there is a light snow, falling from the cloud filled sky and it was so beautiful to watch.
I sat on the big, comfy couch in living room, the fire place was lit and gave me the perfect warmth, along with my favorite fluffy, green blanket I brought with me from home. I took a sip of my hot coffee, while reading a book, which was a romance novel. About two people, who are too blind and are too oblivious to notice they are made for each other. But then I get to the sex scene of the novel, I felt my face heat up, my thoughts began to wander to Taehyung. He is so nice and kind to his family and friends, and if he does have a tattoo mark, his destined mate is very lucky to have him for an alpha. Sometimes I wonder what it's like to be kissed by him, we were so close last night and the memory alone makes my heart race. So far, we've hugged, but nothing more. But then his deep voice, it always sends shivers down my spine, I've heard him sing and each time I hear him, it always makes my heart melt.
I'm not going to lie, it would be nice to be with him, maybe one date even, but I don't think he would want me. I doubt he's interested in a omega, who is lonely, a slut, because of the way alphas are with me at work. I've been told by many that an alpha, not even a beta, would want an ugly omega like me. I've been in a few relationships, but I always ended up being cheated on and used, they always said I never satisfied they sexual needs, or stating they only want to be my first and such.
A creek from stairs breaks me away from my thoughts, I glanced behind me, seeing Taehyung, ruffling his fingers through his bed head of hair.
"Morning,"oh lord his morning voice, so deep and husky, I felt my face heat up. And suddenly my novel became more interesting, forgetting that the page I am on is a sex scene, my face felt like it was in flames at this point.
"M-morning, I made some um c-coffee in the k-kitchen... I-I can also make us some breakfast too, if you would like..." mentally slapping myself for stuttering so much, he probably thinks I'm weird. He hummed and head into the kitchen, I watch his movements, seeing how broad his shoulders actually were from wearing that t-shirt. My gaze quickly went back to the book in my lap once I saw him coming back around the big island. Feeling the weight shift on the cushions as he sat next to me. Hearing him let out a hum, as he sipped his coffee, sighing in content. "Whatcha reading Hoseok? Thank you for the coffee by the way, you know how I like it and it's always the best."
My face, ears and neck heat up, "Oh no problem, we actually have a similar taste in coffee, ah.... a-anyway it's a um... romance... novel," I manage to not stutter my words out as bad as earlier, by keeping my gaze on the same page that I have been 'reading' for the past ten minutes. He awed, "What's it about, if you don't mind me asking?" My gaze broke from my book, now looking at the alpha next to me. "Two people who love each other, but are oblivious about it... I'm almost done with it, the girl transferred to a different country and the man didn't realize how much he missed her. So he went after her, found her and confessed his feelings to her..." I'm surprised I didn't stutter when saying that and while looking at him, it's probably because I skipped the sex scene part. Taehyung hummed, his lips in flat line, making his cheeks a little more chubby and round. "Sounds interesting... anyway are you hungry, I can cook if you'd like? Because you're the guest and all, so I don't want you to do any work." I shook my head, saving my page and setting it on the side table. "No thank you, but you could help out, sense I don't know where anything is."

I was at the stove scrambling eggs, gasping in surprise, not expecting to feel his big hands on my waist and his chin resting on my shoulder. "Smells good, do you cook often, like as a hobby?" My face heated up for what felt like the millionth time, how does he always have this effect on me. I cleared my throat and distracted myself by concentrating on not burning our breakfast. "I love to cook, I would consider it as a hobby and I don't mind cooking for you either. I was even thinking on doing a big dinner for your birthday."
I turned my head, glancing at him, he smiled and nod. "I would love that... plus that's a good nickname for you."
I giggled, "What is?" I curiously asked, while turning my attention back to the eggs, pouring them onto two plates, that also had bacon and toast on the side.
"Hobi!" He sounded so proud he said that, that is adorable. My face scrunched in confusion, I turned the burner off and set the pan on a different burner that wasn't hot. "Hobi? Where in the world do you get that from?" I asked, lightly laughing from how silly, yet cute the nickname was.
He stepped around the island and sat down at the bar, as I reached over, placing the plates full of food down, then setting forks and napkins in front of them. I got my mug of coffee, double checking the stove top to see if it was off. Making my way around to bar of the island, placing my mug down before jumping up on the bar stool.
He swallowed a mouthful of food, then began speaking again. "When you said hobby! You say the word differently, so I thought Hobi would be a cute nickname!" He sounded so happy and proud of himself, oh my goodness. For an alpha, he's pretty adorable, seeing him less stressed and more care free. I love it, I hope I get to see more of this side of him in the future. I smiled at him, as he ate quietly with a big grin on his face. I began eating myself, swallowing my first bite of the scrambled eggs. "It's cute... I like it, I wouldn't mind you calling me that TaeTae." Loving how he lit up and was all jittery, physically showing how happy he was.

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