Chapter fifty-two

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Third pov:
Once Hoseok hit eight months, he chose to work at home, and watch the twins, while Taehyung worked in his company. Being due in less than a month, had the head alpha on edge and beyond worried, always seeing his omega thin in the face, and his baby bump growing and becoming more noticeable. But the doctor stated many times to the young alpha, that both the omega and unborn pups are extremely healthy, so there wasn't really much to worry about. As long as Hoseok drank plenty of fluids, ate enough, and took his vitamins then everything will be fine.

Hoseok was in his home office, sitting in a comfy, black chair, finishing up his last paper. Dropping the pen and rubbing his tired eyes, hissing when he felt a Braxton hick. Rubbing his bump, breathing through the short cramp. Soon being able to relax, letting out a sigh of relief. Sitting back in his chair, rubbing his bump and feeling one, or both, of the twins kick and shift. He smiled and graced his hand over his bump, "Only a few more weeks, and I get to finally see you two." He spoke out loud to himself, letting out an light chuckle mixed groan, "Really? You two are the reason why I wear pads now." He huffed in slight irritation, feeling a second hit to his bladder, making groan in slight irritation. He pushed himself up from his chair, rubbing his lower back, as he waddled out of his home office, heading to the bathroom across the hall.

Once he took care of his business, stepping out of the bathroom and walking down the hall. Wanting to check up on his pups, who were playing outside in their treehouse. He stopped his tracks when spotting the picture on the wall, he can't help but star at the two little silhouette's in the picture, an ultrasound picture. Which was only a week old, always making a smile twitch onto the omegas lips, he couldn't believe those two little beings are growing inside him at this moment. He smiled at the memory of that picture, it was a beautiful morning, blue sky's and a light breeze. Taehyung cried when they finally found out the genders of their pups, the little ones hid themselves, refusing to show what they are. Teahyung shed multiple kisses all over Hoseok's face and thanking him. Both of them would have been happy with whatever they ended up with, all wish is for their twins to be healthy.
Hoseok sighed at the happy memories, clothes shopping, crib shopping, Bono and Masumi picked out the colors for their siblings room. Taehyung was going all out and is beyond excited to see their newborns. Lucky that they still had at least two more weeks to finish the nursery.

So far, Hoseok has only been feeling cramps, and is waiting to see his bump drop. He cleared his throat and shook his thoughts away, and walked down the hall, carefully stepping down the stairs.

Hoseok then walked through the living room, heading to the porch doors, his hand was on the knob. But jumped away when feeling his phone vibrate in the pocket of his yoga pants. He huffed, glancing out through the blinds, seeing his pups in the treehouse still. Reaching into his pocket, and pulling out his phone, giving his pups one last glance, before shifting his gaze to the phone screen.
"Could you unlock the door? I forgot my house keys." Hoseok scuffed and rolled his eyes, "Again? Really Tae?" He lightly chuckled out, making his way to the kitchen, going around the big island to get to the hidden garage door. He stepped into the small hallway, sliding the chain lock at the top, then turning the bolt and the lock on the door knob, opening the door. His face scrunched in confusion, not seeing his mate, nor even smelling his scent, his alphas Kia wasn't in sight either.  "That's odd, he always parks in the garage when he gets home from work," he spoke out loud to himself in a low tone. He shut and locked the door, not understanding why his alpha is going through the front door this time.

Immediately stopping about ten feet away from the front door, Hoseok felt his heart rate speed up, the alpha from behind the metal, front door, was not his Taehyung's scent. It's an unknown scent. He somehow build the courage to take slow steps, and make his way to the front door, looking through the peep hole, not spotting anyone in sight. But he's not stupid, he's not opening the door for anyone. He then gasped, needing to go get his pups, who were still outside playing. He can't risk them to get harmed or abducted.
Hoseok spun on his heel, gasping when he almost ran into an unknown wolfs chest, standing there, with a creepy smirk. Hosek backed up, feeling for the doorknob, only to run into another body. He screeched from the sudden contact, his eyes widening when a cloth covered his mouth and nose. He tried to use some of his powers to break free, but the chloroform effected his sensitive sense of smell with ease. Making his vision, go black.

Taehyung pulled into the car garage, making sure to close the garage door on his way in. He hopped out of his car, eager to see his expecting mate and kids. He couldn't wait to sneak up behind his mate while he cooked tonight's dinner, hugging his omega from behind and feeling their pups kick and move under his palms. But, the alpha froze when he smelled an unknown scent, his blood boiled with anger and worry. Slamming his car door shut, snapping his fingers to unlock the house door, rushing into the kitchen. "Hoseok!! Masumi!! Euijeong!!!" He shouted repeatedly, while searching the whole house, growling in irritation when he couldn't smell his mate and pups anywhere. He searched the whole upstairs level, gripping at his hair, "Kids!!! Hoseok!!!" He cried out again, trying think of where his family could be. He cursed under his breath, gripping the root of his hair, trying to think. He then snapped his fingers when remembering something, "The treehouse!" He thought out loud to himself, bolting back down the stairs and rushing into the living room. "Sweet fuck how did I miss that?!" He growled, the doors hanging off their hinges, he rushed to the new opening in the house.
"Euijeong!! Masumi!!" He shouted, letting out a big sigh of relief when seeing the twins heads pop up into view in the small window. He ran to the treehouse, watching his kids go down the slide and run into his embrace. Taehyung shed multiple kisses on the twins, his heart shattering when hearing his kids sobbing. "Kids, where's mama?" He asked, while rubbing his kids backs. Receiving louder sobs from the twins, Masumi tried speaking, but he couldn't control his coughs and cries.
"B-Bab men t-take mama!! Wan' mamaaaahahahha," Masumi cried into his fathers neck. Taehyung felt his heart drop, he didn't even hesitate to hold back his own tears. He hushed his pups, kissing their temple, "We will get him back pups, I promise." Boni hiccuped, and held out her little pinky, "Pinky pwomise?" Taehyung hooked his pinkie with hers, then kissed her tear stained cheek. "I promise," he said sternly, looking up at the sky, that held the crescent moon shining down on them.
"We will, find him..."

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