Chapter fifty-five

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Third pov:
Hoseok's contractions grew closer, he's been in labor for possibly three days, but it's hard to keep track of time, and he didn't know when his first contraction started. All he knows is that they're slow, very dragged out, and it made him restless.
The omega panted hard, gripping the blankets under him, kind of thankful for getting that sleep to be honest. But he felt his energy drain after every wave of pain. With a shaky hand, he managed to break the heavy cuffs on his wrists, by freezing them and breaking the metal to many pieces. He didn't know he had such a power, cause he's still learning, but it will be helpful in the future.

"Mr. Jung! There are wolfs outside protesting!" A man shouted, from who the Luna and pack alpha thought was one of their guards.
Mr. And Mrs. Jung shot up from their thrones, running to a large window, seeing the whole Jung Pack citizen's, shouting and chanting fowl words.
The leaders narrowed their eyes, a low growl emoting from the back of their throats. But then they both froze, feeling a sharp, cold blade against their throat. They finally picked up the scent, and it's not one of their guards, but the packs best officer and Committee secretary.
"Hyungwon, what on earth are you doing?!" Mr. Jung shouted, with fear present in his voice, Mrs. Jung gasped from the blade pressing harder on her throat. "What I should've done a long, long time ago," Hyungwon spat out through gritted teeth. And in one swipe, their bodies fell to the floor. He cleaned his blades while hearing the couple choke on their blood, he smirked and called for guards to clean up the mess.

Meanwhile, Taehyung was running through halls of the Jung mansion, sniffing the air. Taking off his face mask, which kept falling down from running around. He took in a big whiff of the air, running in the direction of the vanilla scent. "Hoseok!!"

Hoseok stood up from the bed with shaky legs, walking up to the door, his hand gripped the knob. And with a single pull, the knob broke off, opening the door and bolting out of the room. The pine scent hit his nose, his eyes leaked with tears of joy.
He began to run, attempting at least, in the direction of the scent.

Both mates were running around, trying find each other. Hoseok paused, leaning against a wall, his hand under his bump. He groaned, breathing through a stronger contraction, gasping when he felt a pop, clear liquid came out of him. Feeling the liquid running down his legs. "Oooh no... nononono, please not now-ahahah! Ow please not now!!" He  cried out and begged, as he breathed through the pain, trying to keep his shaky legs from giving out. He soon straightened up, taking slow steps as he turned down a hall, seeing a familiar silhouette. The omega gasped, "Taehyung!"
The said alpha spun on his heel, getting whiplash in the process, his eyes widening. His eyes teared up, seeing his mate, still living and breathing and still very much pregnant with their pups. They both bolted towards each other, wanting, no. Needing one another, missing each other's touch and scent more than anything. 
But, Hoseok didn't spot the silhouette hiding in a dark corner, a hand reached out and snatched Hoseoks wrist, while he was attempting to run to his alpha.
Hoseok yelped, getting held back by a strong arm, and he's weak from fatigue and his water braking. He's completely drained, not left with a single muscle of strength. He struggled to loosen the bruising grip on his wrist, trying to get out of the tight grasp. But froze when he felt a blade against his neck. He held his breath, biting his lip until he tasted blood, eyes clenched shut, while feeling a contraction rip through him.

"Not one step alpha!! Or your pretty mate is a dead!!!"
Taehyung froze, his eyes not breaking from his omega, seeing his mate only in a loose navy gown and swollen feet bare on the dirty floor. Hoseoks hair stuck to his forehead from sweat, his cheeks red and stained with tears. The sight shattered Taehyung's heart. His breathing sped up, as furry boiled up, and coursed through his veins. Seeing his mate trembling, hearing the small whimpers of pain, and liquid dripping down the pale, shaky legs.
Josh chuckled letting go of the omegas wrist and running his fingers through the omegas dark locks. He then took in the omegas scent, licking the omegas neck and scenting the omega. Hoseok felt shivers run up his spine, growling when the alpha scented him. "Do you realize how much of a gold mind this one omega is!?! You could be rich!! His blood alone is worth more than this mansion!!! Wouldn't you want that!!" Josh shouted, then gripped a fistful of Hoseok's hair, forcing his head back, the blade barely a centimeter away from Hoseok's neck. Hoseok screeched, his hands flying back to the alphas arm, trying to loosen the alphas grip. He choked on a sob, wanting to be with his mate and pups again, "P-P-Please.... d-do-don't do thi-" Josh growled, cutting off the omega. "You fucking bitch! You fucking pissed everywhere!!"
Hoseok screeched a scream, from receiving a harsher pull on his hair, his whole body trembled even more, if possible. Taehyung's eyes glowed a bright red, then to a bright white, "You might see dollar signs!! But I see my pregnant mate getting harassed!!" He snapped, barring his sharp canine teeth, which grew bigger, and longer in mere seconds.
A loud, pain filled growl suddenly erupted from Josh, forcing his shot leg to stay up, he snarled and was about to stab the omega. But, he then was shot in the hand, making him drop the dagger. Gun shots echoed down the hall. Josh's grip loosened on the omegas hair, as he collapsed to the floor, screaming in pain.
Hoseok stumbled and ran into his alphas arms, crying into the toned chest. Both afraid to let go of each other. Taehyung's eyes returned back to their normal brown, glossing over with tears. He glanced down the hall, seeing his father standing tall, a gun in hand, smoke still emitting from the tip.
Mr. Kim ran over to the alpha he just shot, who is still crying and whimpering in pain. Josh held his hand to his chest, putting pressure on his wound.
Taehyung and Hoseok melted to the floor, the alpha pecked the omegas head, rubbing the omegas back in a circular motion and rocking from side to side. "It's ok Hoseok baby, I got you... I'm here now... it's ok... it's ok, I'm here... I love you so, so much baby..." the alpha whispered into the omegas ear. And he continued to whisper sweet words to the omega, until his sobs turned into sniffles. All while hearing the alpha still crying and whimpering from the throbbing pain. Hoseok looked back at Josh, his violet eyes glared at the injured alpha. "What? Can't take a little cramp alpha?" He spat, parroting the same words the alpha said to him earlier.
Taehyung smirked, kissing his mates temple, placing his hand on his omegas bump, which felt rock hard. He could even feel the muscles contracting under his hand. Hoseok winced, sticking his nose in the alphas neck, softly crying, as he breathed through anther painful contraction. That only grew stronger and stronger each passing second, making the omega let out a loud cry. Hoseok huffed multiple breaths, Taehyung glanced at his father, both had worry written their faces. Mr. Kim glanced down at the injured alpha, using the handle of his gun to knock the alpha out cold. He quickly walked up to his son and son-in-law, crouching down to their level.  "Hoseok, do you think you'll be able to push through a bit longer? Until we get you to a small, local cabin in the woods, it's part of the Kim pack." He spoke softly,
Hoseok hummed and nod, his eyes clenched shut, holding his breath. Making Taehyung worry, "Breath Hoseok baby, breath through it, ok baby," he whispered. As he slowly stood up with his mate in his arms, holding his omega bridal style.
The omega breathed out a whimper, his arms clinging around the alphas neck.
Mr. Kim and Taehyung then bolted down the hall, turning on different corners. Running into Hyungwon on the way, seeing the two dead body's of Hoseok's 'parents', getting carried out.
"There is an alpha injured, I shot him, so do what you want with him," Mr. Kim said. Receiving a nod from Hyungwon, "I will, I'll search for the scent to find him," he states. While Taehyung's eyes followed the two lifeless body's getting carried out, "If you don't mind me asking? Who's the new leader for the Jung pack now?" Hyungwon smiled and waved his hand at the young alpha, "Don't worry, Hoseok's older sister is now leader. She I s an omega, but we need some changes around here anyway."He then heard his friends whimper in pain, cursing under his breath, pointing at a hallway. "Go straight down that hall, it'll lead lead you to a flight of stairs, which will take you down to the kitchen, where there's a back door. Then your pack is south from there, it'll help keep away from the protesters, most are calm. But the ones that are old school, will not hesitate to harm Hoseok."
Taehyung nod, "Thank you, and we will stay in touch!" He shouted, then bolting down the hall, his father following behind.

Hyungwon watched the Kim's run off, hoping they make it home in time. He sighed and stepped out onto the balcony, many pack citizens still remained standing outside, signs held up high. Many shouting and chanting, demanding lower taxes, better pay, more jobs, health insurance, etc.
Hyungwon cleared his throat, making everyone go quiet. "My good citizens of Jung Pack!!! Mr. and Mrs. Jung, our leaders!! Have suddenly passed!!! And are no longer with us! But!! Their eldest, Jung Ji-Woo, will be our leader and Luna!! Along with her alpha mate, who happens to be Kim Taehyungs younger brother!! Meaning!! We will now no longer be enemies with the Kim pack!!! I will address any more needed information as soon as possible!! You all have a pleasant day!!" Hyungwon finished his short speech, the wolfs chatter started up again, whispers could be heard, taking about the sudden passing and having an omega as a leader. Everyone then scattered, going their separate ways, all hoping what the alpha said is true.

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