Chapter thirty-four

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*That is what Vivian looks like by the way!!!

Third pov:
Everyone watched the alpha leave, walking outside, everyone left in shock. Jimin broke out into sobs, leaning into the closest wolf near him, which happened to be Jin. The alpha rubbed the omegas back, trying his best to comfort him. Jungkook stood up, walking up to his mate, Jin released Jimin, so he could calm down with his mates scent and warmth. Jimin immediately melted into his alphas embrace, Yoongi joined in, to help his omega mate. But failing when he himself broke down in tears.
Jin ended up heading over to his mate, to comfort his omega, who started crying as well, scenting and cuddling his upset mate. Namjoon crawled onto his alphas lap, sticking his nose into the musky scent gland, needing nothing but comfort from his alpha.
Mr. Kim smiled at the sweet sight, but it dropped quickly, glancing at the exit his son took. Feeling awful, for both his son and the missing omega, who is due any day now. But everyone knows the alpha got himself into this mess, he should have listened to the omega from the start. You reap what you sow.
It's a big stress that the police couldn't find the missing omega anywhere, no scent, blood, hair, nothing, they all said he's dead. Yet, Taehyung would know and would have said something about it. Right? They're destined, mated or not, they would sense something is off.
The alpha light sighed to himself, he slumped onto the couch, pondering, trying to think of any sort of plan or idea.

Taehyung cried for hours, until they dried out completely, so now he sat there, on the damp ground, the damp dirt, staining his pants. But he could careless, cause he only wishes that he could go back in time. He wished to fix his mistakes, be there for the omega and help support the elder, yet, he wasn't. He wants, no, he needs to find the omega, and do what he can to make things right, even if it takes him years until he can speak to the elder again, he will wait for the omega. He will even wait until their next life time, he just needs to be patient, that's all.
Taehyung watched the sunrise, as his eyes grew heavier by the second. He then passed out, falling forward onto the ground, in a deep sleep.

Hours passed, Taehyung groaned, feeling his phone vibrate in the back pocket of his jeans, waking him up from his slumber. His eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight, that was high in the sky, showing off the mid morning sun. He sat up and pulled out his phone, not in any mood to talk to anyone right now. But then again, what if it's news about the missing omega and pups. He didn't even bother to read the screen and immediately answered the phone, he growled in annoyance when he heard the familiar voice.

Hoseok is was left alone once again, the bitter taste of the alphas fluids remained in his mouth. They can't fuck him because he's still pregnant, and he wanted to keep it that way, until he is found or when he does get himself out of this hell hole.
Hoseok was laying on the cold, hard cement floor, he would always cry himself to sleep, trying to get as much shut eye before he does go into active labor.
Josh sighed, sitting down at the square table, after he just recently left the omega. Loving to see the sight of those plump lips around his dick. He glanced over at his boss, Vivian, and smirked, "Bitch is asleep." He sighed out, a cocky smile on his face, looking like a teenage fuck boy in high school that just got laid.
The female alpha groaned, "I don't understand! Why hasn't he gone into labor yet! He's eating the food we give him, but he still hasn't gone into labor." She growled out, she was beyond pissed and irritated, she stood up from her seat and began to pace back and forth. There was a tight silence, until one of the alphas broke it.
Three heads turned towards the voice, which came from BamBam. Vivian nod, giving him permission to continue, BamBam cleared his throat, as then began to speak. "About an hour ago, when I went down to check on him, I heard him gasp in pain through the door. He might be having contractions now, but they're very far apart still. My guess is that he will be giving birth on either the thirtieth or the thirty-first." Vivian then smiled, and it wasn't a pretty one either, it was evil, brutal and dark. "Then I guess I haft to make a phone call," she took the omegas phone, using what's left of the battery, to get her 'lovers' number. Dialing it into her own phone, hearing it ring a few times, until the alpha finally answered.
"Hey baby!"

Taehyung growled at the voice, now very much fully awake, he jumped up from the ground. He  began to pace in a circle, nearly drilling a circled ditch into the ground, for how much he was pacing. "What do you want Vivian? How the fuck did you even get my number?" He spat in a cold and bitter tone, not holding back his growl towards the other alpha.
"Don't be like that Tae baby! I know you still love me!"
Taehyung scuffed, finding the female very delusional and crazy, not even wanting to deal with this bitch of an alpha. And it's even worse, that the crazy chick is also his ex girlfriend. Who he hasn't even seen nor spoken to in over year, maybe even two years.
"What do you want?" He asked once again, now even more irritated. Hearing the line go silent for a while, he groaned, "If you're not going to answer my fucking question, then I'm hanging up-"
"Wait!! I just want tell you amazing news!! You haft to come see our pups!! I would love for them to meet their father!"
Taehyung's face then paled, 'Hoseok,' he thought in his head. His chest then puffed with anger, the moment he heard the word 'pups' from the females voice, hating that alpha even had the guts to take pups away from their mother. That woman is delusional and psychotic, who loves adding gas to the flames.
Taehyung swallowed a lump in his throat, hoping that Hoseok hasn't given birth just yet, he knows the omega is alive, he can sense it. But he doesn't know if the omega is injured or anything. Taehyung sighed and nod his head, "Fine, where and when would you like me to come and see them?" Pulling his phone away from his ear, hearing the crazy loud, girl squeal on the other side of the line. Choosing to put the delusional bitch on speaker, since he would like to keep his hearing.
"At our old hide out alpha! The little cabin in the woods! Come by this Thursday on the thirty-first! At five pm!! Don't be late TaeTae bear!!"
Taehyung nod, cringing at the different nicknames, "Fine, see you then."
"See ya Tae baby!"
They finally hung up, Taehyung clicked his tongue, "Vivian, you fucking just messed with the wrong alpha," he spoke out loud to himself. He then bolted back in the direction towards the house, getting there as fast as he could. He burstthrough the porch French doors, startling everyone and making them jump up from their seat. Their full attention now on the panting alpha.
"I know where Hoseok is!"
Jimin gasped, a big smile spreading on his tear stained face, "Really?!?Where?! How!??!!" Feeling impatient and hopeful at the same time, wanting to know where his childhood friend was immediately.
Taehyung stepped into the middle of living room, to explain everything to his friends and family, "Vivian called me, she wants me to meet our pups this Wednesday evening." Everyone looked at the alpha completely confused and lost, not understanding what he was talking about. Mr. Kim took a few steps closer towards his son, "Pups? But she was never conceiving, we found proof that she was lying, the doctor literally stated, that she is unable to conceive because of a birth defect. Plus, this happened nearly over two years ago," the elder deadpanned, not catching what is on his sons mind. Taehyung then clicked his tongue, chewing on an invisible gum, "Exactly, but who is conceiving at the moment? And, is also due any moment now?" Everyone's eyes were then the size of saucers after hearing the alphas obvious hints.
"Hoseok..." Jimin whispered out.
Taehyung snapped his fingers, a big box smile on his face, "Bingo! And their at the little cabin Vivian and I used to go to. It's between the Kim pack and the Jung pack, mainly on Our border though. She picked that cabin because it's scent proof for mating, ruts, heats, and stuff like that, but only the upstairs is. There is a unfinished music studio in the basement, meaning Hoseok is down there. She wants me to see them Thursday and today is Tuesday, so We will bring the police, FBI, investigators, absolutely everyone! And have them close by at all times, but we will haft to stay hidden, we will also need an ambulance, maybe even a hospital helicopter. But I will be going inside the cabin alone. I will send a signal before I enter the cabin. And then we'll go from there! Any questions?!" He gave a single clap, looking around to see if anyone had any extra ideas, or questions. But he didn't see any, so Mr. Kim then started on dialing the swat team, the FBI, as many legally armed man as possible. 
Taehyung pointed at all the omegas in the room, "I do not want any of you guys to come, you need to stay here and watch your pups, Jin and Jungkook will be staying here to keep watch, because Vivian obviously knows where I live, so I don't want any of you getting hurt." He glanced at Hoseok's sister and his two siblings, "That includes you three as well, I want you all to keep each other safe. Plus, it'll build less suspicion if it's only my father and I." They all nod in agreement, not wanting to protest against anything, knowing the head alpha is doing what can do everyone is safe.

Meanwhile, Hoseok was fast asleep, but was woken up by a sharp pain in his lower abdomen. That was the second cramp that he has had so far, he knows they're only the beginning and they will get closer as the hours go by. He breaths through the pain, rubbing his bump, as he try's to fall asleep again. He plans on escaping soon, hopefully before he goes into active labor. When he knows all four alphas are busy and too distracted. That will be his cue to escape.

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