Chapter forty-four*

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*Warning!! Smut!!"

Third pov:
The kiss was sweet, long and passionate, both feeling so much love, that was forced back for so long. They were so into it, they didn't even realize that they made their way to the bed somehow. Taehyung hovered over the omega, the loving kiss got heated, as they began to subconsciously grind their clothed members against each other. Slick leaked out of the omegas hole, soking his leggings, his scent spiked. Taehyung trailed kisses down the omegas jaw, then down his neck, sucking and kissing, marking the omega in love bites. Hoseok's breath hitched, letting out a soft moan.
"T-Tae... are you going to make love with me?" The omega gasped out.
Taehyung lifted up, staring into the omegas eyes, then leaning down, his lips hovering over the omegas.
"We can, if that's what you want?" He asked a deep voice, sending shivers down the elders spine. The omega nod his head, fear that he might wake up from this dream, or the alpha might push him away again. "Just go slow... please alpha..."
Hearing the omega call him alpha, made Taehyungs heart swell in happiness and pride. They connected their lips again, as Taehyung trailed his hand up the pink sweater, tickling the soft, warm skin underneath. Kissing along the omegas jaw and neck, finding the sensitive nipple with his fingers, hearing omega moan. Hoseok covered his mouth with his hand, not wanting to wake the kids in the next room. Feeling the alpha pinch and tease each nipple.
Ever sense Hoseok got pregnant, his sensitivity increased a lot, having to wear a bra sometimes because his nipples are so sensitive.

Taehyung's eyes glanced out the window seeing the full, blue moon... it came early again. He ignored the moon, not wanting to push away the omega any more, not again.
Taehyung pulled his shirt off over his head, helping the omega out of his sweater. The alpha trailed kisses down the omegas chest, stopping when he saw the stretch marks. Trailing his fingers along them, pecking kisses on each one.
Hoseok blushed, covering his face in his hands, he hated how his body looked, the pregnancy put a tole on his body, leaving behind marks and some extra skin that he couldn't get rid of. Taehyung gently pulled the omegas hands away, pecking him on the lips. "Don't hide your beautiful face baby," the alpha whispered in a deep voice. Making the the omega blush even more, the nickname itself made his face red like a tomato.
"B-but my scars are ug-"
"Beautiful, everything about you is beautiful Hoseok, inside and out," the alpha cut off the omega from saying anything else, by pulling him into a deep kiss. "Fuck, your lips are so addicting," he groaned out, making the omega lightly giggle, kissing the sweet lips even more.
Taehyung trailed his hands to the omegas leggings, his finger tips right at waist band, he glanced up at the omega. His eyes asking for permission.
Hoseok nod, letting the young alpha slide his leggings off, along with his slick covered panties. Feeling his small, hard member spring free, his slick leaking two times more. Taehyung pecked butterfly kisses along the omegas thick thighs, Hoseok spread his legs out more, gasping when he felt the alphas warm tongue lick his entrance. He covered his mouth, moaning into his hand, as the alpha stuck his tongue inside him. The omega gripped the alphas dark brown locks with his free hand, his back arching, feeling a finger slip inside him. "T-Tae..." the omega gasped, feeling a second finger slip inside him, feeling the long fingers scissor and stretch him out. His moans muffled in his hand, the alphas tongue and fingers, bringing him so close to cumming already.
"T-Tae... I'm gonna c-cum," he gasped out, the alpha pulled away, not wanting the omega to cum just yet. Hoseok whimpered at the empty feeling, the alpha chuckled, getting off the bed, taking his pants off, exposing himself completely. The omegas eyes widened, not knowing, that the alpha was that ripped... and is that big. Hoseok felt his mouth go dry, from the memory when that thick cock was once force into him.
Taehyung smirked, crawling up to the shocked omega, hovering over him again. "Like what you see omega?" He seductively asked in a deep voice. Trailing kisses all over the elder, lining his member up to the omegas entrance. Taehyung paused when feeling how shaken up the omega was, he glanced at the omega, not moving any further. Hoseok sniffled and whipped his falling tears, "I'm sorry..." He gasped out, covering his face, taking deep breaths to calm himself down. Taehyung hushed the omega, gently pulling the small hands away from the flushed face. He gently wiped the omegas tears away, wishing he spotted the omegas fear sooner. "There's nothing to be sorry about Hoseok, take your time, I won't rush you, ok?" He softly stated, the omega nod in reply, taking deep, shaky breaths to calm his nerves.
Taehyung's chest tightened at the sight, "You sure about this Hoseok? We can stop if you want?" Hoseok bit his bottom lip, then shook his head, snaking his arms around the alphas neck, letting out a shaky breath. "I-I trust you... I give you permission to knot me as well," he said softly.
Taehyung's eyes widen, "Knot you? But it's going to hurt you, please tell me to stop ok, if it's to much... Do you want a safe word?"
Hoseok lightly giggled, "You speak as if we haven't done this before." Taehyung whimpered, "This is different Hobi, I don't want to hurt you." Hoseok felt his heart skip multiple beats, and pulled the alpha down into a loving kiss, "I love you..." he whispered into the kiss, not separating his lips from the alphas. Taehyung purred, "I love you too, so fucking much." Kissing the omegas plump, swollen lips, not doing anything until the omega relaxed, giving the elder time to prepare for what was to come.

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