Chapter forty-six

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Third pov:
"Mama! Wook!!" Hoseok glanced at his sons shortbread cookie, covered in frosting and sprinkles. Smiling fondly and pecking his sons cheek, that's covered in chocolate frosting. "It's beautiful Masumi sweetie! Santa will love all the cookies you both made for him!" The omega said cheerfully to his twins. Taehyung watching them fondly, as he took a sip from the omegas homemade hot chocolate.
"I'm going to go check on dinner, ok pups," Hoseok softly stated, as he ruffled both of his kids heads. Making his way back around the island, stepping up to the stove. The alpha set his mug down, walking up behind the omega, who was steering the noodles in the pot with a wooden spoon. Hoseok gasped, feeling the alphas hot breath against the back of his neck. "Smells amazing Hobi..." The alpha hummed near the omegas ear, resting his chin on the elders shoulder. Hoseok's face flushed red, "It's not done yet Tae, you haft to wait a bit... Ah! Hey! That tickles stop!" The omega gasped and giggled, from the alpha sticking his nose in the elders neck. Taehyung pecked a kiss on the new mark, humming, "Your cooking is always amazing, but I was talking about you baby," his voice dropping an octave lower. Hoseok's face was now as red as a tomato, he cleared his throat, turning the stove on low, placing the lid on the pot. He then turned in the alphas strong and gentle arms, staring up into the hazel/brown eyes. His arms hooked around the alphas neck, as they leaned in for a short kiss.

"Eeeeewww Mama an' papa dat gross!" Boni shouted, sticking her tongue out, making a disgusted face. While her brother wasn't paying any attention, because he was too focused on the cookie he was decorating.

The new mates lightly laughed, lips still touching, their heads turned, glancing over at their twins. Hoseok turned, making his back press against the alphas chest, facing his pups. Taehyung had his arms wrapped around the omegas thin waist, resting his chin on the elders shoulder again.
Hoseok bit his bottom lip, smiling and enjoying the sweet moment. He then cleared his throat, getting his pup's attention. "So pups, what did you two ask from Santa this year?"
Boni thought for a sec, her eyes narrowed and her chin propped up in her palm. Masumi still not listening to a word thats been said, since he was still working on his cookie.
Boni then gasped, "Oh! Sumi an' I want same ting!" She shouted happily, bouncing in her seat.
Hoseok hummed, "And what may that sweetie?" He ask curiously. Only to receive a cute giggle from his daughter. "Not sayin'!!" She giggled out, her box smile big and wide on display.
Both adults rose their brow in curiosity, not knowing, nor understanding, what's going through their pups young minds.
Hoseok shrugged and turned his attention back to the stove, checking on the pasta.
While Taehyung picked his mug up and took a gulp from warm, chocolaty liquid. Staring down into the brown liquid, moving the cup and watching the movement of the liquid. Letting out a shaky breath, wanting to speak what he had on his mind to the elder. "Hey um Hoseok?"
"Hmm? Yes?" The omega asked, giving the alpha his attention.
The alphas gaze still locked on the liquid in his mug, a light shade of pink dusting on his cheeks. Another shaky sigh escaped past his lips, "What..... W-What would you think about moving in with me? I-I mean.... my-my house is big enough for all of us.... a-and even for any more that might be on the way... Y-You don't haft to of course!... it-it was just a thought... I mean... ne-never mind..." The alpha rambled, taking another sip from his mug.
Hoseok thought for a bit, sighing and putting the lid back on the pot, turning the burner off completely. Turning around, crossing his arms over his chest, his eyes glanced at the alpha, then to the ground. He bit his bottom lip, then looked up at the twins. Feeling a rush of nerves crash through him, "Hey pups, what would you both think, if we lived together, in papa's house?"
Both kids glanced up at their mother, then looking at each other, a smile spreading on their faces, jumping down from their seats. Running around the bar and embracing their mother's legs. Boni did grabby hands towards her father, wanting to be picked up. Taehyung set his mug down on the counter, scooping his daughter up, unable to keep his smile from not showing. He pulled the omega close to him by the waist. But his smile then dropped, "Are you serious? I mean you don't haft to-"
"Yes, I am positive, our bond will weaken if we're apart an-and the kids need do their father in their lives..." The omega cut off, a small smile cracked upon his lips, along with a small blush on the apples of his cheeks.

" Mama up!"
Hoseok glanced down, seeing his son doing grabby hands, wanting to be picked up. The omega lifted his son up, resting him on his hip. Masumi buried his nose into his mother's neck, taking in the vanilla scent.
Boni jumped up and down, "Dis mean we get sibwing!?" She squealed.
Hoseok blushed a brighter red, clearing his throat, "uh maybe baby girl... mama needs time ok..."
The omega glared at the smirking alpha, smacking his chest playfully.
"Wipe that look off your face alpha!"
Taehyung chuckled, wrapping his arms around the omega, placing a kiss on his sons head, then on the elders cheek.
"It's up to you Hobi baby, I don't mind waiting," he said sweetly to the omega.
Taehyung smooched sloppy kisses all over his daughters cheek, making her giggle.

"We might not haft to wait too long for another pup..." The omega thought to himself, bitting his lip again, setting down his son, pouring the hot water out of the pot, the  mixing the sauce in with the noodles. He took a test bite of the food, then had the alpha try a bite, getting nod and a thumbs up.
"Dinners ready! You two go wash up, while papa and I set up the table!" Hoseok said, watching both kids run to the Beth room.

"Mama! Papa! Wake up!! It chwistmos!!" Boni shouted, in full excitement. The twins ran into the big master bedroom, jumping on the bed and waking their parents up.
Hoseok has his head Taehyung's bare chest, rubbing his eyes with a fist, both letting out a yawn.
Hoseok reach back for his phone that was charging on the nightstand, reading the time on the bright screen. It was almost eight-thirty a.m. Hoseok sighed, dropping his phone onto the bed, his head falling back onto his mates chest. "What do you want for breakfast?" The omega asked in a soft morning voice, letting out another yawn.
"Flat waffles!!" The twins shouted, bouncing bouncing on the bed.
Taehyung snickered, while Hoseok giggled and nod his head. "Alright go downstairs and we'll meet you both down there," the twins nod and bolted out of the room.
"And no opening presents until AFTER breakfast!!" The omega shouted, hearing the twins shout 'ok'. He rolled his eyes and sat up, holding his head, feeling a sudden rush of dizziness. Taehyung looked at his mate worried, "You ok baby?" He asked, as he sat up and hugged the omega from behind. Releasing his pheromones to help his mate.  Hoseok nod, as he leaned back into the alphas chest. The pine scent helping his dizziness fade, "Yeah, just sat up too fast is all," he muttered. The alpha hummed, "so... flat waffles huh?"
Hoseok burst out in laughter, "They have trouble pronouncing the word pancakes, so they call them flat waffles," the omega explained. The alpha chuckled, getting hit in the chest by the elder.
"Oh sush!! They're only three Tae!"
Hoseok rolled his eyes, as he untangled himself from the alphas arms and got out of bed to stretch. Wearing one of Taehyung's baggy white T-shirts, with his short black shorts underneath. The alpha stared at the omega in awe, enjoying the view from the bed. The morning sun was shining beautifully on his mate, yet the sun still wasn't as bright as the sunshine omega, that stood in front him.
Hoseok glanced back, seeing the alpha staring at him. "What are you starring at alpha?" Taehyung hummed, "My beautiful mate..." the words slipped through the his lips with ease, making the omegas face turn red. Hoseok scuffed, "Oh hush, you're only saying nonsense." Taehyung let out an unsure hiss, "Mmmm no, I'm stating a fact because..." the alpha crawled up and sat on the edge of the bed, pulling the omega close to him by the waist. "You, are the most beautiful omega in the universe, physically and by heart...." the alpha finished. The omega rest his arms on the alphas shoulders, his smile showing his small dimples, which the alpha pecked a kiss on each one. Making the omega giggle, as they leaned in for a short sweet kiss.
"I love you so much Hoseok..."
"I love you too Taehyung... but get dress, the pups are waiting for us downstairs." Giggling when he hear frustrated groan from the young alpha. "Come one Hobi, one quick round," Taehyung slightly begged. Hoseok shook his head, "Nope, maybe later tonight alpha, I'm starving and need breakfast, now come!"
Taehyung huffed, he couldn't help but smile, getting up from bed. Hoseok blushed seeing the alpha was still naked from last nights activities. He shook head and made his way to the bathroom.
Taehyung may or may not have gotten what he wanted in the shower that morning.

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