Chapter thirty-two

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Teahyung's pov:
I groaned, hitting my head against my desk, I haven't seen Hoseok all day yesterday!
Today's Wednesday, and I haven't sensed him step foot near my office door, maybe he chose to start his maternity leave early, I don't blame him, he's having twins and is due in less than two weeks?.... I think maybe a week by now, like, close to Halloween... which is next Thursday.....
I released another groan, I haven't slept since Monday, pretty much since the day my father put me in my well deserved place. I'm so worried about Hoseok. Of course I'm worried about the pups too, but... Hoseok... I huffed. Jumping from hearing a loud knock on my door.
"Come in!" I shouted, trying to not sound too exhausted than I actually was.
Jimin came bursting into my office, his face red, full of anger, as he stomped up to my desk. "Where's Hoseok!?" He growled at me, I held up my hands in surrender, not completely understanding what the omega was talking about. "I have no idea, he was here Monday and didn't show up yesterday! So I assumed he was with you or Namjoon this whole time!!" Jimin growled again, close to ripping his hair from his scalp, I knew he wouldn't believe me, honestly I wouldn't believe myself either, after everything I did to Hoseok.
"Do you even understand what he went through Taehyung!! We had to force and convince him to stop dancing!!! He was bloody afraid you would do something to him if you found out he stopped!! He was nearly eight months pregnant until he finally stopped!! Eight! Fucking! Months!" He was panting hard, gripping his light brown hair from his scalp. He then began to cry, words could not describe how terrible I felt.
I felt my own eyes begin to tear up, lost in words, watching the panting omega walk in a circle. He was trying to keep himself from having a panic attack, maybe, unless this is one.
"I'm so worried about him Taehyung!! I feel that something bad happened to him! He could've been abducted! Or something!! Please Taehyung! Please! I beg you! Help us find him! Please!" His hands were together in a fist, as if he were praying, but he wasn't on his knees, yet he was about to be, the poor thing was trembling. I nod my head, sniffling back a cry, standing up from my seat and walking around my desk to Jimin. I cradle his head into my chest, we both collapsed onto the floor, I tried so hard to not cry, but the tears found a way to leak out. Running my fingers through his hair, my other hand rubbing in an up and down motion on his arm, rocking him back and forth, like a father comforting their child. "Sshhh, I am so sorry... so sorry... I-I promise we'll find him Jimin... I promise to fix this... it's all my fault... all my fault... but I will do everything to fix this..." I whispered to him, even myself, to keep my mind and alpha at ease. Cause I need to find him... I need Hoseok...

I meant every word I said to Jimin, I had the FBI, police man, investigators, pretty much everyone, searching everywhere, I contacted his parents, but they didn't care about him. It angered me how those wolves don't shed a single tear for their own flesh and blood missing. I can still hear their wicked words, ringing in my head, on constant repeat.
"Slut deserved it... plus, the mistake is your problem now, since you're both destined," Mrs. Jung said bitterly.
"Just because you too are destined, doesn't completely solve our family history! If he's gone than it's a sign from the heavens!" Mr. Jung added on, laughing like a psychopath with his wife.

I growled, my head was pounding from the lack of sleep, lack of food, and stress, but none of it can possibly compare to what Hoseok went through.... which I am to blame for... it has been over a week since Hoseok went missing.
Right now, I'm in the living room of my father and I's house. Everyone is here, and by everyone, I mean everyone, such as; Jungkook, Jimin, Yoongi, Namjoon, Jin, my father, my sister, my brother, Jeong Gyu and Hoseok's sister, Jiwoo, who just so happens to be my brothers mate, but that's another story for later. The Kims and Jeons pup's, are in a local guest room, I had a baby monitor and camera set up, to keep an eye on them. Everyone was sitting on the two big, gray couches, that were positioned in an L shape.
Jimin groaned in frustration, Jungkook was rubbing his back in comfort, Yoongi was cuddling his omega mate, trying to help his mate calm down. Everyone was on edge, running out of ideas.

All I could do now was sulk, standing and leaning against the glass window of one of the French doors, which leads to the big open porch, leading to a beautiful garden. I watched the falling, dead leafs, landing on the ground, ready for nature to take its course and consume the dead leaf, that lacked little to no life. While some leafs kept some life and color, stem still holding onto the tree, until it's own time comes. The colors of the autumn landscape, orange, red, brown, and yellow, the sun sets light danced across the trees just right, making the fall colors dance.... Hoseok always loved fall, how the weather grew cooler, how the trees changed color, I remember seeing the light in his eyes when he gazed out from the balcony of my office. He was so beautiful, he is beautiful, the way the sun set lit and frame his profile just right, every, single time and moment we spent together. This honestly makes me feel worse... I didn't even realized how in love I was with him, until my father pointed it out. When my mark warmed up whenever he came near me, I wish caught the sign, but I didn't, I was to blinded by my past with rage... I lost him. But, when I do find him... I will really lose him... he wouldn't want to be with me again and I don't blame him one bit. 
I feel someone pat my shoulder, based on the musky, rosemary scent, I knew it was Jin. "Hey man, don't cry, we'll find them, alright?"
Was I crying? I touched my cheek, feeling the thin damp streams on my warm cheek. I wiped my tears away with my palm, releasing a heavy sigh.
"When we do though... he is not going to want to see me. I just know it! And I don't blame him either. I was terrible to him, awful, I will take a bullet to the chest right now, just so he'll be happy and more free."
Jimin stood up and came up to me, he had a small, sweet, and sad smile on his face. He sighed heavily, shaking his head, looking down at the floor, then back at me. He wiped my tears away by using the pads of his thumbs, his brown eyes gazed intensely into mine. "I know what you did is bad Tae, but he wouldn't happy if you were forever gone, you know he doesn't wish that type of thing for you, cause he has a heart of gold. And trust me, Hoseok will forgive you. You just haft to explain and prove yourself to him, that's all, it may take time, but it's better then waisting your life away before you can even hold the twins."
I shook my head, a soft, depressed smile twitched onto my lips, I took his small hands into mine, pulling them away from my face, my tears never seemed to stop falling ever so steadily. My thumbs softly rub against the soft skin of his knuckles, as I released a steady breath through my nose, my eyes glued to the omegas hands, as I began to speak. "I won't beg him for forgiveness, nor will I even ask for it... I don't expect him, to r-run into my arms either, begging for help, for money, or even time away from them for one night.... I will let him chose his own path..." I sucked in a sharp breath, no longer having control of my own tears. "I-I will try to speak to him,  only when I get the chance and build the confidence too, but I-I honestly don't expect... a chance with him and the-the twins..." I released another shaky breath, sniffling and using my palm to wipe my damp cheeks. My eyes glanced around at everyone in the room, I felt their gaze on me the whole time, they kept their attention on me, as if I were telling an important speech. My stinging, tired, and blurry eyes locked back down with Jimins, I give his hands a small squeeze. "The only thing that matters to me, is that he- they are all happy and healthy... I could care less if I were to be single for my whole life, because we are destined and I would always take a bullet for them.... because.... because I lo-love them, even if my own kids don't have an idea who I am, and Hoseok finds an alpha better then me.... I will still love them and do everything for them, their my universe..... A-As long as I know a-all three of-of them are safe, happy, a-and healthy... that's all that matters to me.... all of you promise me, th-that you will protect them as well, a-and make sure they receive all the love and happiness they deserve..... please...."
I saw the shock written on the omegas face and sadness laced in his brown eyes, but my eyes were too blurry to tell if it was for real. I grasped his smaller hands in mine, bitting my bottom lip brutally, containing my sob, but not my tears. I sniffled and released his hands from mine, I stepped outside onto the porch, needing fresh air. I let my body do its own thing, walking across the wooden porch, then stepping down the stairs of the porch, leading to a big garden, I walked along a path, that head into the woods. Making my way into a small meadow.
As I walked in silence, all good and bad memories with the omega came crashing into my mind like a tsunami, eating hundreds of bare islands. I gaze up at the now star lit sky, finally letting out every, single tear and sob in my body. My legs gave out, I let myself collapsed to the ground, landing on my knees, my head hung low, my salty tears falling and getting soaked by the dry, dead grass and moist dirt. I could feel nothing, but dread and guilt, coursing through my viens.

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