Chapter six

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Third pov:
The four males sat at a square table, in the little café. Taehyung sat next to Hoseok, and across from them, sat Jin and Namjoon.
They spoke about random stuff, until someone walked up behind Hoseok. The stranger gasped and walked up closer to Hoseok. "Hoseok? Is that you?" Hoseok turned his upper body around in his seat and gasped, "Jimin!" He shot up from his seat, giving his childhood friend a bear hug. They both started crying, tears of happiness fell down their face. There was a fake cough heard next to the two best friends. The two friends release from their hug, Jimin turning his head to look at two figures behind him. Jimin's eyes shot open, "Oh!! Hoseok, meet my mates, Yoongi-hyung and our alpha Jungkookie!" He said happily, not able to stand still.
Hoseok shook both of their hands, one giving a bunny smile and the other giving him a gummy smile.
"It's nice to meet you both! I'm so happy for you three, Taehyung mentioned the news to me, that you are expecting pups?!" Hoseok asked and received excited nods from both omegas. Jimin had a big smile on his face, "Yup, I'm three months and Yoonie is four and a half months!" He giggles, "Oh Kookie! Do you mind buying me a hot chocolat with extra whip and caramel?! Oh! And a chocolate cake with oranges and lemons please!" It did sound like an odd combination, but Jungkook's smile could be seen from outer space. Yet, who could blame him, the short omega is adorable, he loved both of his mates with all his heart. Jungkook nod, "Of course Minnie baby," he faces his other mate, Yoongi, with the bunny smile still plastered on his face.
"Would you like anything kitten?"
"Kitten huh?!"Heads turned towards where the voice came from, Jin. Jungkook laughed at Yoongi's red face, receiving a hit on the arm from the red faced omega. "He looks like a kitten, so I call him that sometimes, well all the time really." Jungkook replies to Jin, who was smirking at the cute love birds.
Yoongi crosses his arms and pouted, "Awww, poor thing", Jimin said and hugged the pouting omega, who melted into his omega mates warm embrace. Jungkook cooed at his cute omegas comforting each other.
"How about I get you a strawberry shortcake with peanut butter, caramel and chocolate drizzle?" Jungkook asks, loving how the omega lit up, showing a big gummy smile.
"Yes please!!" Yoongi said, who was now cuddling into Jimin even more if possible. "Ok, I'll be right back my omegas," He gives them both a kiss on the lips and head towards the counter to order his mates cravings.
Jin stood up and pushed another table at the end, making theirs bigger. Adding three more chairs for his friends to sit in.
Jimin and Yoongi thanked Jin, as they both sat next to Hoseok and Teahyung. Jimin then glanced towards Namjoon and gasped, "oh yeah, Joonie hyung?" Getting Namjoons attention, "Yes Minnie?" He replied to his friend from across the table. "Did you find out the reason why you weren't feeling well?" Namjoon smiled and nodded, "What was it?" Jimin asked curiously, leaning in closer to hear his friend better. Showing his dimple smile, "I'm pregnant", he said simply. Jimin and Yoongi's eyes shot open wide, like saucers almost, both smiling like crazy. Jimin squealed, "oh my lord!! I'm so happy for you two! How far along are you Joonie?!"
"What did I miss?" Jungkook returned, in one hand, he held two plates with cakes on them and in other hand a to go cup with Jimins special hot cocoa. He gave Jimin his drink and cake and set the plate in front of a drooling Yoongi. Everyone chuckled at Yoongi's cute reaction, as Jungkook sat next to Jin. Jimin had a big smile on his face, making his eyes disappear into crescents. Yoongi telling him to calm down, sense he was bouncing up and down in his seat. "Joonie's having a pup Kookie!!"
Jungkook was shocked at first, but then smiled and pat Jin's back.
"I'm happy for you both! How far along?" Jimin rolled his eyes, taking a sip from the warm liquid of his hot chocolate. Namjoon giggled, "I'm three months", Jimin squealed, "Do you think our pups will be born on the same day?!" Namjoon shrugged, humming in thought, "Maybe, I don't know. I would guess that we haft to wait and find out when they choose to come out."
The group then went into a comfortable silence, but then Jin broke it. "So, I'm guessing that leaves one omega left in our group to bring pups into this world?" Taking a sip from his mocha latte that he bought himself from when he bought Namjoon tea and chocolate cake. Everyone's attention then went to Hoseok, his cheeks dusted in a light pink hue. He bit his bottom lip, taking a slow sip from his mocha macchiato. Hoseok shifted in his seat as everyone gazed at his every move, waiting for a response. He cleared his throat and took another sip from his coffee, slowly setting it down onto the table.

Hoseok's pov:
I felt all their eyes on me, I mean, I'm not going to lie, of course I want to have pups of my own. But I'm still young and waiting for my destined mate, the one I will spend the rest of my life with. I felt my chest get warm, it was where my tattoo mark was located, over my heart. I don't know why it was acting up, so suddenly too, I rubbed it, just in case it started to glow for no reason and reveal itself threw my shirt.
I sighed again, "I d-do want pups, but I'm waiting for the right mate to have them with, I know he's close by... I can feel it." Taehyung then began to laugh, "So, you're technically waiting for your 'Prince Charming'?" He had a stupid look on his face. I narrowed my eyes at him, "No, I just happen to be one of the rare wolfs that were born with a tattoo mark." I blurted out, his smile then falls, getting more serious all of a sudden, "Really now? What does it look like?" I rolled my eyes, taking another sip from my drink. Sighing in annoyance, I clear my throat and making sure to be clear. I lock my eyes with his, to make sure he reads me well. "I don't feel comfortable telling." I said simply and then getting lost into those hazel-brown eyes, pleading he won't push me. He then nod, "I understand, I deeply apologize for my rudeness.... I found it cute when you were a little heated up, is all." He mumbled the last part, but I still heard him. I felt my face get more warm, for what felt like the millionth time today and in the corner of my eye, I noticed how everyone was smirking and looking at both of us.
"What?" I asked, they all said 'nothing' and quickly started a different conversation. I sighed in relief, but felt Taehyung's eyes on me, but I push it away and continued to enjoy my drink and the little talks with my friends.

Taehyung's pov:
I sighed as I enter my house, walking into the living room and seeing my father on the couch reading a book.
I plopped down next to him, a small, comfortable silence was between us, until he broke it. "So, How was the company today?" He asked me, I shrugged, "I got a new personal secretary," I stated. "What's their name?" He asked, his eyes not leaving his book. "Jung Hoseok, and lord he has the most beautiful doe-brown eyes I have ever seen in my life. Then the minute I saw his smile, butterflies twisted in my stomach like crazy," I sighed happily after my ramble, but not even realizing what came out of my mouth. "Do you like him? Do you think you're both destined mates?" He asked me so suddenly, I felt my face heat up, as he glanced up at me with a smile on his face.
"Uh-umm you know what! It's been a long day... a-and I'm really tired... so I'm just gonna uh yeah! Night!!" I then sprinted up the stairs, dashing to my room. I went to sleep that night with that special omega on my mind.

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