Chapter sixty-six

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*that's Masumi and Boni now!!

Third pov:
Kai laid his head on the alphas chest, "I find it odd that the knot didn't hurt, when it's not even a blue moon tonight, I'm not in heat anymore either." Sehun hummed, "That was the most intense orgasm I've ever had, even on my rut, it's not that intense...." The couple pondered in confusion, both hissing from the pain in their wrist. Seeing their mark glow, making them more confused. Once the glow died down, Sehun gasped and shot up in the bed, "No way..." "What?" Kai asked, not understanding why the younger was suddenly to shocked.
Sehun couldn't believe it, the two new markings by the moon on their wrists, almost looking like the stars. "The same thing happened to my brother, he said it showed up after helping with your brothers rut. My mom told us, that one night, the moon told him that there will soon be five pups. Each born the power of an element... my brother, Baekyun, all of a sudden got marks on his palm. My mom said he has fire and air.... that means we have water and earth..." Kai's face scrunched in thought, "Your brother wasn't born with a tattoo mark though." Sehun nod "Yeah, I know, but he found out he was a month pregnant a few... days... ago...... his scent changed and he said he felt the life growing inside him..." Kais eyes then widened, "Does that mean... that I'm-? We're...?" The alpha only shrugged, shaking his head, rubbing the pad of his thumb against his new tattoo mark. "I-I don't know, I can't sense anything yet, but I'm sure this does have something to with the elements." Kai nod, his face fell in sadness, Sehun cupped the elders cheeks, pecking a kiss on the button nose. "Kai baby, don't stress about it too much ok?" The omega only whimpered and snuggled into the alphas neck. He took in the alphas musky, basil and rosemary mixed sent, always so warm and calming.

Weeks passed, Kais never had his heat. He was sitting outside in the grass next to his brother, Kyungsoo. Josh groaned, "Why hasn't his heat started yet?! Bloody lying bitch!!" Chanyeol growled and hit the back of his head, making the alpha hissing in pain. "Don't talk about my child like that!?" Josh groaned, "But how is he supposed to lure one of the Kims alpha sons with his heat scent!!" A tall, dark haired male came running towards the elder alpha. "Sir!! You won't believe what happened today!!" Josh sighed heavily, "What is it Suho? It better not be a thing as bad as this bitch?! Ow! Chanyeol!!" The omega growled, hitting the alpha again on the back of the head. Chanyeol left and head outside to his pups. Josh groaned, "Omegas, I swear..." he mumbled. Suho nod in a agreement, "Anyway! Boss, I have good news, I met an omega!" Josh rose a brow in confusion, "And? That's great, I hope they don't lie about their heats like Kai." Suho rolled his eyes, "No, not just any omega! I ran into Kim Masumi in the woods earlier today! We hit off really well, I'm sure by using him, we can get to the rest of the Kim family!" Josh nod, rubbing his chin with his forefinger. "Yes, that could work," he glanced towards where Chanyeol head to. "So, what do you plan to do with your new omega friend?" Suho smirked, "Have a little fun with him, we meet again tonight." Josh smirked and patted the young alphas back. "I'm putting my trust in you young man." Suho chuckled, "Don't worry sir, I won't disappoint you."

Kai and Kyungsoo saw their mother come towards them. Chanyeol sighed as he sat down, seeing his pups upset, worried and nervous."Alright boys, tell mama what's wrong? You can't hide anything from forever." Kai pulled his knees to his chest, not wanting to speak. Kyungsoo looked at his brother worried, "Come on big brother, our mother will listen."
Kai let out a shaky breath, tears peaked out from the corners of his eyes. "The reason why I didn't start my heat.... i-is because I-I'm.... I'm pregnant...." Chanyeol awed, pulling his son into a warm hug. "Awe sweetie, do you know who the father is?" Kai nod, "I- I love him mom, so much, he's my destined mate..... a-and the m-moon destined me with K-Kim Sehun.... H-He's the best thing that has ever ha-happened to me...."
Chanyeol nod and pecked a kiss on his son's head, "He didn't force his knot, or use his rut on you, did he?" Kai shook his head frantically, saying 'no' multiple times. "No, h-he would never..... I-I asked him to knot me.... it was the last day before my heat was coming a-and our marks changed...." he showed his wrist to his mother who gasped an awe. "I see, he didn't mark you yet, which is good because Josh would not be happy about that.... how far along are you Kai honey?" The young omega thought for a moment, "Probably about a month or so, my scents going to change soon mother. What do I do? We didn't mate on the blue moon like his parents did." Chanyeol hushed him, wiping the falling tears away with the knuckle of his forefinger. He then came up with an idea and whispered it into his sons ear.

Masumi walked into the meadow, not seeing the alpha yet. So he sat down on the dead grass, pushing up his round, black rimmed glasses and looked up at the stars. "Masumi?" The omega turned and faced the alpha standing behind him. Suho came near him and sat next to him. They were silent for a bit, but the alpha got curious with the omega. "So, is it weird for you and your twin sister to be the only ones without powers?" Masumi rose a brow, "How did you know I had a twin sister?" Suho chuckled, "Your parents a pretty famous, you are the son of the pack alpha are you not?" Masumi slowly nod his head, humming in thought, his nose cutely scrunched in the process. "I honestly could careless about having powers, my sister is still going to be pack alpha, sense she's the eldest and all, but she said she wasn't ready yet.... so my father told us all that when one of us come up with an agreement and are ready, one of us can take over." Suho nod, "That's cool, your parents are still pretty young though, aren't they?" The omega nod, "Mom even said he is thinking about having one more pup, he said the twins were going to be their last. But the twins asked him for a little sibling. Even though Baekhyun is carrying now." Suhos eyes widened, "Your little brother is carrying?!" Masumi hummed and nod, "Yeah, he won't say who the father is though, he said he was in heat at school. So it could be anyone's, but knowing mother, he didn't believe one word of it. Nun of us wanted to push him to tell the truth, so we just let him be." Masumi let out a long sigh and fell back to lay in the grass. "So tell me about you!" Suho rose a brow and glanced down at the omega. "Me? Why would you be interested in me?" Masumi shrugged, "Well, friends usually like to get to know each other? We're friends now are we not?" Suho then got a tight feeling in his chest, seeing the moonlight shining against the other. The omega looked beautiful and breathtaking, seeing those eyes stare up at him with wonder.
He cleared his throat and looked away, mentally cursing at himself for falling deep into those brown eyes. "Well, um, what do you want to know?"

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