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The Big Apple

(Y/n)'s POV

Ok ok get on the train, get money on your metro card, get on the correct subway train this time, walk down the street, take a left- oh gotta get on the train.

I had just flown in to the Islip airport today, and taken a cab to the train station.

Ok get off the subway at Wall Street, walk up the stairs, and the building is right across from the Trump building.

I had been going over how to get to my new apartment in my head until I calm myself down. I wasn't used to this much independence.

You're on the second floor, apartment 203.

I sat down on the train and opened my notebook to write something down about To Kill a Mockingbird, the book I was currently reading, for the thirtieth time.

Atticus said it was a sin to kill a mockingbird. Because all they do is make beautiful music. They don't destroy your plants or eat your crops. They don't disrupt you. Therefore it's a sin. Personally I think it's a sin to kill any bird. Birds eat crops. They don't understand the law of human possession. They don't understand that people believe things belong to them. In a way it's not fair. Why did the world just decidedly belong to human beings? Why should we kill a bird for eating? It's a sin to end a life.

I reread what I had wrote and realized I went off on a bit of a tangent. My writing almost sounded angry. I wasn't sure why.

I put my notebook away and pulled out my phone. I needed to find some new music so I played my playlist radio. I didn't look at the title of the song as I gazed out the window of the train. I heard a cheerful, innocent-sounding guitar riff before the first lyric.

Careful as I write her name
On the corner of the page
Make it look like it was her all along, and I
Put the paper in my bag
As I'm walking back to class
And the notes I wrote
That took me so long

Where is this dude going with this.

She doesn't notice me

Ah, there it is.

She just smiles and says, thank you for the

Lemme guess...Geometry?


I was close.

'Cause that's all it meant to her
I spent 22 days and 21 nights
Crossing every T just making it right

Well he was dedicated I'll give him that.

Only to discover it's not worth
Doing Annabelle's homework

Annabelle sounds like a real b-

Doesn't matter how many papers I write
End of the equation won't be you and I
And now I'm just another who got hurt
Doing Annabelle's homework.

Tough luck bud, you sound like a catch.

*          *          *          *          *          *          *          *

I walked up the stairs from the underground subway, and stood in the middle of the sidewalk, taking it in. A yellow cab drove by, buildings illuminated the night sky. I looked around and saw the Trump building, which snapped me out of my trance.

The building is right across from the Trump building.

I walked towards the apartment building, and into the lobby. I signed in and they gave me a key.

I walked over to the elevator and went up to the second floor. I glanced at the time. 11:47.

No wonder I'm so tired.

I walked down the hall to the left until I saw the number on the door: 203.

I opened it and saw that the apartment was empty, besides a single air mattress without any sheets or blankets.

AN: kind of a short, boring first chapter. But they'll be entertaining soon I promise! Thanks for reading 🙃

-Erin 💕

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