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Lean on Me

(Y/n)'s POV

My phone rang, waking me. The sun shone through my curtains, hitting my eyes. I had been staring at the ceiling for a couple minutes, lost in thought.

Then it rang again.

A little surprised, I stirred in my tired state, turning over to look at my phone on the nightstand. It was 7:23 am. In early August. Which is still summer.

Translation: too heckin' early.

The number was one I didn't recognize, but I was curious, considering they called twice in a row.

I answered.

"Hello?" I said groggily.



How did he get this number. I blocked him. And got a new one.

"Ethan..." I answered a little nervously. I wasn't sure if it was obvious I was shaking.

"Look I'm so sorry for what happened last week it'll never happen again. (Y/n) I love you so much."

I wanted to say he was a liar. That that's what he said a minute before he threw a glass at me. That he'll never change and he needed to stay the hell away from me.

But he knew where I lived. And now he knows my number. God knows what other info he's dug up.

"...uh o-ok."

"Do you forgive me?"

God he's so manipulative. It's uncanny.

"I uh-"

"(Y/n) you forgive me. Don't you." His voice was condescending, and he started to speak more short than before.

I had walked out of my room and into my kitchen.

"You know what, no. I don't. I'm not sure I ever will and you have to accept my wishes because you're the one in the wrong! Not me! Got it? Understand?!"

"See if you loved me you could never say that."

"You know what, Ethan just. I loved you and a part of me always will but," I paused to take a breath, "I can't, love someone who hurts me."

"(Y/n) it was an accident!"

"Don't ever call this number again!" I hung up and blocked the number.

I was so angry. Hot tears started to roll down my face. Which just made me more angry. I didn't wanna cry anymore. I didn't want him to continue to mold me into someone I'm not. Some broken, sob story. That's not who I am.

Instead of sobbing, I let out a frustrated yell, and threw my phone across the room. It hit the wall with a satisfying slap.

I slid down against the door, startled by what I did. By what I had become.

I put my face in my hands and began to cry.

Alec's POV

"Don't ever call this number again!"

I heard her yell and then start to cry. God this poor girl can't seem to get a break. I thought about going to knock on her door. But doing that three times for the same reason seems a little too redundant.

Well you can't just do nothing.

I looked around my apartment and did a double take on my boom box.

Must Have Been the Wind (Alec Benjamin X reader) Where stories live. Discover now