• t h i r t y - f o u r •

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AN: hey guys this is kind of important so don't be like me and be that person that skips all the authors notes lol.

First: I have some recommendations for books to read after this one's over (or while you're waiting for my lazy self to publish the next chapter.)

- escape // Alec Benjamin by stanalec
- Not Just Friends...(Alec Benjamin x Reader) by user_anonymous_94

Second: this chapter was very different than anything I've ever written before (well, it goes farther. I've definitely written things like it.) That being said, it's pretty intense and I was extremely nervous to go as far as I did seeing as I didn't want to offend anyone. I know smut isn't for everyone, so I'll put a warning, and I'm sorry if you're not a fan of it. I wanted to make this as real and raw and well-thought out as I could so it's taken me a little while to write it.

Alright, I'm done rambling. On with the chapter.
Alpha Canis Majoris

(Y/N)'s POV

"I only know the name of one star." I said, looking out into the night sky from our hotel balcony.

"Yeah?" Alec asked. I saw him look at me from the corner of my eye, I didn't look away from the stars.

"Sirius." I turned to look at him. "Also known as Alpha Canis Majoris." He raised his eyebrows. "...you know if you're feeling fancy." I looked away from him again.

"Why do you know that?" He said, a laugh forming.

"That's the one that shines the brightest." I chuckled. "You know it's kind of stupid, but when I was younger, I wanted to be just like it."

"What, a ball of gas in space?" He laughed.

I looked him in the eyes. "Far away from everyone, but not scared to let everyone see me." His joking manner shifted as he walked over to me.

"Well I hope the entire world can see you." He spoke lowly, brushing a curl out of my face.

I gave him a questioning look. "Why's that?" He took my hand.

"Because everyone needs to see how beautiful you are." I bit my lip and looked down, a bashful smile forming on my face.

"Stop." He put his hand under my chin and forced me to look at him.

"The entire world sees it. Why can't you?" I didn't answer him. It was a rhetorical question anyway. He gulped as he moved his other hand to my waist.

"I'm sure the entire world can see how in love with you I am." He pulled me even closer to him.

"...did you just..?" I wasn't sure I'd heard him right.

"Can you see it?" His eyes were staring into me so strongly I thought I might fall apart. I looked at his lips instead.

"I-I don't know what to..." my mind was racing. I paused, finally looking into his eyes again.

"I love you." I said in a gentle whisper from my mouth.

"Thank god." He spoke in a husky whisper before closing the space between us.

I carefully walked backwards back into the room. Alec closed the door behind us. My back hit the wall and Alec pinned me there.

"Jump." He said.


"Right now." He slid his hands under my dress and around the back of my thighs. I jumped onto his waist. He held me there as he pushed me back against the wall.

Must Have Been the Wind (Alec Benjamin X reader) Where stories live. Discover now