• t w e n t y - o n e •

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What is she doing to me?

(Y/N)'s POV

Everyone in Maycomb county was always so confused as to why Atticus let his children call him by his first name. I'm guessing it was because it wasn't traditional, and it was deemed unacceptable especially given the area and it's time period. But I find it funny how something as simple as a name can seem so complicated, and something that seems complicated can, actually be simple.

My relationship with Alec is technically complicated, but it doesn't feel that way at all. To anyone else it's inexplicable. We're close friends, tour-mates, we live in the same apartment complex, we may have feelings for each other that we don't address, and we've kissed. I can understand why that would seem complicated.

But to me, it feels so simple.

"Whatcha writin'?" Alec asked from over my shoulder.

I jumped, dramatically shutting my notebook with both hands.

"Woah. Alright then. Didn't realize it was personal." He chuckled and scratched his neck as he walked over to the hotel room window.

"You know how I feel about you hovering like that!" I put my notebook back in my carryon.

He turned away from the window and put his hands up defensively, in a joking manner.

"I'm sorry. I won't do it again."

I rolled my eyes at him, fighting a smile that formed on my lips.

The two of us had arrived back in Seattle early this morning, four days after my audition. Alec had rescheduled the concert for this Saturday, and planned to give full refunds to anyone who couldn't make it.

I glanced at the clock. 10:54 am.

I tapped my pen against my palm and spun around in the desk chair to face him.

"You know..." I began, stopping the chair, but continuing to tap the pen, "you still owe me a day in Seattle."

He smirked a little. "Is that so?"

I smiled. "Indeed, good sir."

He sat down on one of the beds. "How long will it take you to get ready?" He asked, a slight edge of annoyance in his voice.

"I don't take that long. Only like an hour, tops."

"But I don't understaaaanddd. Why do you have to spend so much time?"

"Because, Alec, I don't wanna look like trash when I go out and see people." I got up from the desk chair and walked over to my suitcase, unzipping it to grab my shampoo and conditioner.

"But that's the thing though...you don't."

I choked on my laughter.

"Yeah, alright buddy." I started walking towards the bathroom.

"Hey, why are you walking away from me? I'm not done complimenting you yet!"

"I need to start getting ready! Apparently someone thinks I take a long time."

I shut the door behind me and locked it.

*                  *                *                 *                   *

"So where are we off to first?" I asked whilst zipping up my windbreaker. It was getting cold now that it was mid November.

"Well, I thought first we'd go to the Space Needle, then we could go to the Dahlia Lounge for lunch, and then we'd probably wander the beach or forest because, it's Seattle."

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