• t w e n t y - s i x •

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Let Go of Me

(Y/N's POV)

"Cut! Wow guys that was great!" Michael turned to the rest of the crew. "Do you guys think we need another take?"

They all shook their head's no.

"...alright then. Let's move straight into the next scene."

I gulped.

I looked around and noticed Alec wasn't there.

"Hey, what time is it?" I asked Shawn.

"Um..." he pulled out his phone, "6:30."

"Ok...thanks." Where the heck did he go?

(Trigger Warning)

"Ok, (y/n) I'll have you lie down right there..."

This is fine. We're fine. He's just gonna throw you down, then hold you down, then pretend to choke you.


"Ok...and Shawn.." Michael motioned to Shawn's shirt. Shawn's eyes widened in remembrance.

"Oh, yeah, sorry." He took it off.

"(y/n), same thing." Michael said, sitting down in his chair.

"...what?" I asked, a little shocked by his casual request.

"Yeah, your shirt's gonna be off for this scene."


It's fine. Just take your shirt off. And let all these people stare at you.

And your scars.

Then just get the scene over with.

I took an inaudibly deep breath, before reaching for the ends of my shirt, and pulling it over my head.

(Trigger warning)

I noticed Shawn's gaze. Especially on the left side of my rib cage.

Ethan's nails left a scar there.


I felt my hair fall in front of my face, and I'm glad it did. I needed to hide the embarrassment.

"Ok! We ready?"

"Yeah." I said quietly.

Shawn tilted his head at me and gave me an "are you ok" look.

I nodded, to signal that I was fine. Even though I kind of wasn't.


I felt his hand on my waist, and then his lips on mine. I felt subtle butterflies, but that was probably just the anxiety of filming this scene. My back arched slightly, he responded by snaking his other arm behind it.

I felt his hand on my waist slide up and touch my shoulder.

He was being too gentle for the scene.

I put my hands on his back.

I felt his lips move away from my mouth and onto my cheek. Then my jaw. Then my neck.

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