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(Y/N)'s POV

The door to my apartment swung open. I must've left it unlocked.


"(y/n), (y/n), (y/n), (y/n)!" Alec whisper-shouted to me, still half asleep on the couch. His phone was clutched to his chest, face down, he must've been on the phone with someone.

"...yeah?!" I whisper-shouted back, annoyed.

His phone started talking to him and he immediately picked it up and put it to his ear.

I rolled my eyes and comically collapsed back against a pillow, closing my eyes.

"Yes! Yes we would love that! Friday? That would be great! We'll be there! Thank you so much!"

He hung up the phone. I spoke into the pillow with a tone extremely coated in sarcasm.

"Someone's rather chipper."

"(Y/n) that was BUILD series."

I immediately sat up like an activated spring.

"You mean like, BUILD series New York? Like BUILD series that does really long interviews?"

He nodded, enthusiastic. "Yes!"

"And they wanna interview you?!"

"Better!" My eyebrows furrowed at his response.

"What do you mean?"

"They wanna interview both of us!"

I suddenly got extremely nervous.

"...what now?"

"They wanted to interview us both. You know, considering it was your idea to do the music video in the first place."

"Did you tell them that?"

"Well yes, but they already wanted to interview you before that."


"Because of how close we are."

I raised one eyebrow.

"Well, ok, because of how close we seem."

"Oh god."

* * * * * *

"Come this way miss (l/n), your stylist will be here very shortly to give you your outfit and these are your makeup and hair stylists, Stephanie and Linda."

They waved. I waved back.

Ok (y/n) you're fine it's fine you're going to be ok. It's just an interview you can do it.

Just then a woman walked in with a long dry cleaning bag. She looked rather frantic.

"Hi! Hi, sorry I'm late!"

"Um, it's ok. Hi, I'm (y/n)."

"Hi! I'm Cyndi!"

I nodded, not sure how to respond, seeing as I already introduced myself.

"Well. I have two outfits," she said, dragging out the last syllable of 'outfits' enthusiastically. "I have this one," she pulled out a (tiny) black dress and a jean jacket. My eyes widened a little.

"Or..." she pulled the other one out. It was a small white laced crop top with vintage Levi's that had cute, dainty flowers embroidered on the left side.

Must Have Been the Wind (Alec Benjamin X reader) Where stories live. Discover now