• t w e n t y •

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Feel Everything

(Y/N's POV)

I ran through the subway, Alec close behind me.

Tisch school of arts was only a half mile away, and I had ten minutes before my audition started.

All the people and places and signs around me became a blur as I sped past them all. I was surprised that I didn't run into anything.

When I finally reached the building, Alec was still right behind me.

"I'm surprised you didn't fall behind this time."

He beamed a little. "I've been working out."

I laughed out loud.

He saw my smile start to fade a little and I began crackling my knuckles and avoiding eye contact, a nervous/anxious habit of mine.

"Hey, you're gonna do great. Really, you're gonna be amazing."

I gave him a weak smile.

"Come here." He enclosed me in a hug. I inhaled and sighed against his chest, attempting to calm myself down a little.

I checked the time.

1:58 pm.

"Uh. I'd better go."

He nodded. "I'll see you after."

I gave him a half smile, before turning around and walking down the hall.

There was a sign posted that said "auditions" and I walked in.

"Name?" A woman in glasses asked. She was one of three people in that room. They were all sitting at a table, facing the shiny black, open top piano. The other two were men, one with white hair, the other with black. They all looked about mid forties or so.

"(y/n) (l/n)."

She nodded. "I'm sure you're familiar with the audition process?"

I nodded. "I'm pretty sure."

"Whenever you're ready."

I gulped, then cleared my throat quietly as I sat down at the piano.

(AN: song is le video tagged with this chapter)

I began to sing the alto part of the song, Laudate Pueri Dominum, as I played the instrumental.

Laudate Pueri Dominum
Laudate no men domini
No men domini

I started to play the alto part on the piano as I switched to soprano 2 part of the song.

Laudate Pueri

Then I began to play both the alto and soprano 2 parts on the piano, along with a very simplified version of the piano.

That was the trickiest part to learn.

I began to sing the soprano 1 part, and sang that for the duration of the song.

Laudate Pueri Dominum
Laudate no men domini
No men domini
Sit no men domini
Benedictum es ho nun et us
Que en secula

AN: this is a song that I'm singing in choir lol, and I have the soprano 1 part. I get a headache from hearing the other people in my section. Please help :/

En se cu la
Es ho nun et us que in se
Cu la

I finished it off with some grace notes on the piano.

The evaluators clapped out of respect. And the woman nodded to me approvingly.

I stood up, bowed and thanked them.

I walked out of the room, calm and collected, but as soon as I was out of the sight of the evaluators I sprinted down the hallway to Alec.

He stood up from where he was sitting, eyes wide.

"How'd it go?" He asked, excitement and curiosity present in his voice.

I nodded profusely.

"I think it went really well! I think I did it! Alec, I think I got in!" I yelled, close to tears from joy and relief.

"I knew you could do it! See I told you!"

I playfully smacked him on the shoulder.

He hugged me tight, lifting me up and spinning me around. I was so surprised I hooked my legs around his waist to keep myself steady.

I moved my head out of the crook of his neck for a split second.

And the next thing I knew.

My lips were against his.

It was short, but it was long enough for me to feel something.

Feel everything.

I'm not even sure if it was me who initiated it, or why I would have if I did.

I was just so excited. I was just really happy.

(Alec's POV)

She kissed me.

(y/n) kissed me.

Why did she do that?

It was really short. Like a quick peck on the lips. It could almost be interpreted as a friendly gesture, one derived of happiness and excitement.

Rather than one of passion and love.

I was so confused.

I felt as if I should say something, but every time I open my mouth nothing comes out. Every time I thought of words to say they got knocked out my head by the smell of her hair, or her eyes gazing into mine, or her lips, shiny from her lip gloss and plump from kissing mine.

I became every aware of the fact that her body was still pressed against mine.

And the silence continued to get louder.

"Um." She finally spoke. "I'm sorry." She said, sheepishly, tucking a strand of her gorgeous hair behind her ear and sliding off me, gracefully landing back on the floor.

I still couldn't speak.

"I-I shouldn't have, lets just...forget this ever happened, ok?"

I wanted to say no. That I didn't want to forget. That I wanted to remember this forever. That I wanted to do it again.

That I wanted her.

But I couldn't get any words out.

She nodded at me, awkwardly avoiding eye contact.

"I'll uh, I'll see you when you get home." She said, as she walked out the front door of the building.

I watched her as she walked away, falling deeper and deeper into a trance.

Until she turned a corner, and she was gone.
AN: kind of a short chapter, but this is 2 chapters in one night so I mean. I think that's pretty good if I do say so myself.

I need to go to bed now.

-Erin 💕

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