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I Couldn't bear the thought of leavin her

Alec's POV

She said she was fine.

But she clearly wasn't, though.

But she said she was fine therefore it's none of your business and you should leave it be.

But she looked so broken.

Alec, you don't have all the facts. Stop intruding.

I heard a screaming cry and then stifled sobs. As if someone was in so much tender pain they had to bite a rag to soften the noises.

It was her.

(Y/n)'s POV

I wasn't sure how long I'd been sitting here. Listening to my own breathing, my own sobs, the slight drip of the faucet.

I felt the pain radiating off of my neck in a burning sensation. I didn't complain, or cry, or even wince.

I stood up and pulled the zipper on my sweater back down to look at my wound.

It was bad.

The blood was still a deep red. I didn't have any bandages in my apartment.

I sat back down.

Slow tears rolled down my face as I felt bruises form on my back.

It's such a sickening feeling.

The anxiety.

Seeing the person you thought you knew best, do a compete 180 on their personality.

Watching them become someone else, someone completely different, in an instant.

It doesn't sit right.

I felt nauseous.

Eventually, all noise was drowned out by my thoughts.

Why did I let him in?
I should've left him outside.
Why do I still love him?
How could he say he loved me and then put a shard of glass in my neck not a minute later?

Oh god.

I think I'm gonna be sick.

I stood up slowly to go get some water.

I wandered into the kitchen, past the broken glass on the floor and grabbed another glass out of the cabinet. 

The room temperature water was hard to get down. It made my stomach churn even more.

Emotional pain is so much harder to swallow. I'd rather take a bullet than feel like this.

I don't wanna be alone.

I wonder if god had heard me.

Because there was another knock at my door.

Alec's POV

C'mon man we said we'd leave her alone.

No. We can't.

I can't.

I can't bear the thought of leaving her alone.

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