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I'll Let You Know...

(Y/N)'s POV

"Are you serious?" I couldn't comprehend it.

"I'm dead serious."

Alec and I looked at each other with a long look of contemplation. After about 10 seconds, he turned to Matt, put a hand on chin, mirroring him.

He took a slight breath before he replied, nonchalantly.

"When does she start?"
* * * * *

(Two weeks later.)

"Alec! Jesus heck be careful with that!" I yelled at him as he roughly threw my suitcase into the back of the cab.

"Jesus heck?"

I raised my eyebrows and widened my eyes in a way that said "you don't wanna test me today Benjamin." He threw his hands up in defense before he closed the trunk. He started walking around to my side of the cab, probably to open the door for me.

"I can open my own damn door thank you."

Again, he threw his hands up in defense as he walked around to his side and climbed in.

"Where we headed?" The cab driver asked us.

"Uh JFK, sir." Alec replied.

I sat next to him. "I'm sorry. I'm just really nervous."

"Hey, you're gonna be great. They're gonna love you."

My hand was fidgeting, showing my anxiety as I looked out the window. I mindlessly spoke. "I don't know."

"Hey." He grabbed my fidgeting hand, taking it in his. I snapped my head back to look at him, taken aback. He, very hesitantly might I add, grabbed my hand with both of his, and brought it to his lips.

"I promise, you're gonna be great."

I couldn't tell if I looked at all as shocked as I was.

Alec was never this bold. Is he like. Ok?

I nodded, not because I understood, but because I was entranced in his eyes.

He smiled, setting my hand down. "Good."
* * * * *

It was nearly time to take off, and my nerves had not subsided in the slightest.

"Hey, you ok?" Alec asked me.

"Yeah. Just anxious, sorry."

"It's ok. I was anxious my first tour too. But I promise, once you see how much the crowd loves you, it'll get so easy."


"Of course. They're gonna love you, (y/n)."

I nodded. "Hey Alec?"


"Where are we going?" He laughed. I had just realized I had no idea where the first tour date was. I was too nervous about performing to even ask.

"Los Angeles."

"...ok nerves are back nerves are back holy sh-"
* * * * *
"Well. We're here." He spoke, as we walked to baggage claim.

"Yep. We are..."

We got our bags and found a cab. It was about 25 minutes or so before we arrived at the hotel.

Must Have Been the Wind (Alec Benjamin X reader) Where stories live. Discover now