• t w e n t y - f i v e •

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AN: this is about to be a long chapter. You're welcome. :)
I feel like I'm always struggling to breathe

(Y/n)'s POV

"I'm sorry, what?"

Michael turned and said something to Jeremy. Jeremy nodded in response and pulled out his phone.

"What are you doing?" Alec asked, his tone stern.

"Chill out man I'm just doing what I'm told." Jeremy responded.

"What is he doing?" Alec turned to Michael.

"He's calling our backup costar." He replied nonchalantly.

"Backup?" Alec was baffled. I felt too dizzy to speak.

"Yeah! Hey, what's up man?" Jeremy got up and started to walk away. "Yeah when can you get here?"

Alec threw his hands up in exasperation, scoffed, and walked away.

I turned to Michael. "Um...w-who is he calling?"

"You alright, (y/n)?" He asked, tilting his head.

I gulped. "Y-yeah I'm fine. I might just need some water o-or something- um...who is he calling?"

"Ah! Yes. You'd wanna know who you'll be making out with. Makes sense." He lifted up a page on his clipboard. "Um...it says here..."

"Michael!" One of the camera men yelled. "Oh um, one second (y/n)."

He walked away. I sat in the chair Jeremy was in.

This should be fun.
*              *              *               *              *               *

I must've fallen asleep in the chair. I awoke to Michael yelling for our attention while standing atop the cafe counter.

Alec was sitting next to me.

"H-hey...what time is it?" I asked groggily. Alec handed my a glass of water.

"About 5:30." I took a sip of the water.

"Oh. Thanks." He nodded. I had only been asleep about twenty minutes.

"Attention, everyone! We're going to resume filming tomorrow, seeing as Shawn can't get here until tomorrow." The crew nodded, and began to pack up.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Shawn?" Alec looked at me with the same confused expression.

We both stood up at the same time, abruptly.

"Michael?" Alec spoke.

"Yes, Alec?" He responded as he packed up his briefcase.

"Um. Who's replacing me..?"

"Shawn Mendes." He replied nonchalantly.

"...oh my god." I said under my breath. It took me a while to process. Shawn Mendes was my first celebrity crush. As the shock left my body, excitement surged through it.

"Shawn Mendes is gonna make out with me." My shocked expression turned into a wide grin.

"SHAWN MENDES IS GONNA MAKE OUT WITH ME!" I jumped up and down, not able to contain my excitement. I didn't even realize it was kind of rude until after I did it

Alec was looking a the ground. He said under his breath "I'll meet you in the car (y/n)." Then he walked out of the cafe without looking at me.

I felt my smile fall.

Must Have Been the Wind (Alec Benjamin X reader) Where stories live. Discover now