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An old friend.

(Y/N)'s POV (one week later)

My apartment had some furniture in it now seeing as I lived here for a week. It had a sofa, a coffee table, my bed and a lamp. I also bought some silverware, plates and bowls. There was a glass on the counter (that came with the apartment seeing as it was built in) that was half full of water.

I had been sitting at my keyboard, that I brought with me to New York, practicing my audition when I heard a knock on my door.

It was about 11:30 so I was confused as to who it could be.

Quickly, I stood up and walked over to the door, peering through the peephole.

No. Oh no no no no no. Please god make him go away. No he couldn't have found me. Now that he's here he'll never leave. I know he won't. I would miss him too much.

"(Y/n) open the door." The voice pleaded.

I was frozen in shock, not moving or speaking. Although I couldn't move, I felt my limbs shaking.

"(Y/n) I know you're in there. Just please open it so we can talk."

Maybe I should open it. We could talk through this. We could be better. We could be together again.

No. No that's a bad idea. That's what you said last time. I know you love him but we can't keep doing this.

"(Y/n), please."

Ok I'm doing it.

I inhaled sharply and opened the door, quickly.

Standing before my was my boyfriend Ethan.

Well. Ex-boyfriend.

He had the same medium length dirty blond hair, and unmistakable light green eyes.

Tears stained his freckle-covered cheeks. He was still as tall as I remember, wearing light washed blue jeans and a dark blue sweatshirt.

I didn't look him in the eyes.

"Please. Let me explain."

"There isn't anything to explain. Believe me I've thought through every single way that what you did could be justified but it can't be."

I was still staring at the floor as I continued.

"It's not like you cheated on me. I would've let you explain if that's what happened. But you hurt me."

I finally looked up at his eyes to show him how much pain were in mine.

"Physically hurt me."

"(Y/n) please I didn't mean-"

"But you did!" I said, yelling now. "You meant to! You did it on purpose!"

"I was so angry! I never meant to hurt you like that! Do you actually think I wanted to?" He was crying again.

My eyes were back down on the floor again. I moved out of the way, holding the door, to signal for him to come in. I didn't want any neighbors to wake up.

"Ethan I covered for you. I lied for you because I loved you. I can't keep lying for you. I can't keep lying to myself."

"About what?!"

"That you're ok!" I snapped. "You need help!" He looked like I had slapped him across the face.

"If you can punch the person you love then only god knows what you could do the person that you hate. So either something's wrong with you, or you never really loved me."

"Of course I loved you! I still do!" There was silence for a couple of seconds as we just started at each other. "Don't you love me?" He asked, so much pain and pleading in his voice that it broke my heart all over again.

"You need to go." I responded, ignoring the question.

"So you don't then."

"Please, just go."

"You never did, did you!" He shouted, as more of a statement than a question.

"I-I never said that." I responded, cowering over his yelling.

"You're a f***ing liar (y/n)!"

"N-no. No I-I'm not. I haven't even, I never even s-said anything-"

The next thing I knew I was against the wall, next to a glass that had just shattered. I reached my right hand up to the left side of my neck, feeling my blood run cold against my skin. It took me a second to realize.

There was a shard of glass in my neck.

I stood up and ran to the bathroom.

Ethan was apologizing profusely, over and over, swearing in between apologies when I payed him no heed.

I saw it in the mirror, and let out a tiny sigh of relief. The shard was small. So I would have little to no damage to my neck or windpipe, vocal chords etc.

Ethan walked into the bathroom and grabbed my hand, turning me to look at him.

"(Y/n) I'm so sorry I don't know what came over me I just." He took a breath. "I love you so much and I hate when we fight and my anger just got the best of me. I'm so sorry."

He meant it.

"Ok." I said.

"Really?" He seemed so surprised.

I started to cry. Sob. Bawl. "Please get out."

He kissed my forehead and said he was sorry again, before wiping his tears and walking out the door.

Sinking down on the bathroom floor, I continued to cry, my quiet sobs echoing off the walls and right back into my ears.

Until a different sound filled my ears.

There was another knock at the door.
AN: oh boi. I don't know if I portrayed that well because I've never been exposed to an abusive relationship of any kind. I've seen a few on TV but that's pretty much it. Hope this was at least kind of accurate. Thanks for reading (as always)!


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