• t w e n t y - t w o •

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She'll have a lemonade

(Y/N's POV)

"Ok, ok fine who would you pick?"

"Leonardo DiCaprio."

"Leonardo DiCaprio? Isn't he like...old?"

"No you dumdum young Leonardo DiCaprio."

"Ok, whatever you don't have to melt when you say it." He rolled his eyes.

I blushed and laughed.

"Who would you pick?"

"I dunno. I'd have to think about it."

"Alec come on it's not that hard just pick a celebrity you'd wanna kiss."

"It's too hard! I need time to contemplate."

I rolled my eyes.

"Really, though? Leonardo DiCaprio?"

"Don't judge me. He's beautiful."

Alec opened the door for me. I had been so lost in our conversation I barely noticed that we'd arrived at the Dahlia Lounge.

There was a charming sign that said "please wait to be seated."

I heard Alec get a text and without realizing, I glanced down at his phone in his hand.

I saw a contact name and felt my eyes get huge.

"Did that just say what I thought it said?"

"What?" Alec looked up from his phone.

I covered my mouth, and began acting hysterical.

"(y/n) are you ok?" Alec asked, with a humorous tone, a slight hint of concern in it.

"You. Y-"


"Shawn Mendes just texted you?"

Alec nodded, finally understanding.

"Yeah I played for some of his fams outside his show in Paris. I met him a couple times. He's a nice guy."

"I think I need to sit down."

Just as I said that, a waiter walked over to us.

"How many?"

I tried to speak. "T-tw"

"Two." Alec replied.

We sat down at a table. It was next to a window up against the side of the restaurant. I could see the city sidewalks and buildings with hardly a glance.

"What did Shawn Mendes want?" I frantically sipped my water, eyes bulging out of my head.

Alec chuckled before responding.

"He wanted to know if he could meet you, and maybe perform with us sometime if our tour's crossed paths." He picked up his water.

I stuttered for a solid 10 to 15 seconds. "Shawn Mendes. Wants to meet me?"

Alec set his water down. "Yes." He replied, nonchalantly.

Must Have Been the Wind (Alec Benjamin X reader) Where stories live. Discover now