• t h i r t y - t h r e e •

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AN: this is about to be a loooonnnggg chapter Oh My God.
A Real Date

(Y/N)'s POV

White roses on a pastel sky. (AN: originally lyrics from Greyson Chance's song- white roses)

Ok. What rhymes with sky? Buy? Supply? Butterfly?

Apple pie?

I put my head down on my notebook. I'd been trying to write these lyrics for six hours now. As I took a sip of my water, I heard a knock on my apartment door.

Well this is déjà vu.

I was about to stand up and let them in, but then the door opened. It seems I'd never locked it.

Alec walked in. "Whatcha doin?" He sat next to me on the counter.

"I'm trying to write these goddamn lyrics, same thing I was doing..." I glanced at the clock: 11:55. "Six hours ago." I sighed and played with my pencil in my hand.

"I see. Well it looks like you got some of it." He shrugged, trying to look on the bright side.

"I have the chorus and one line for the first verse." I set my pencil down and put my head in my hands.

"Well...you'll have plenty of time on our seven and a half hour flight tomorrow." He said casually, standing up, and walking over to my fridge.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What?"

He comically turned his head away from the inside of the fridge and looked at me.

"Don't tell me you forgot." His eyes bore into me. I felt mine widen.

I looked around awkwardly for a couple seconds before hesitantly speaking. "...what's tomorrow...?"

Alec let out a string of offended stutters. "No, no. Where's your suitcase?" He walked into my bedroom.

"Alec!" I followed him into my room. I watched as he opened my closet door and grabbed my suitcase from the top shelf.

I gave him a questioning, what the f**k look.

He looked me in the eyes, and then dramatically slammed his hand against half the clothes in my closet by the hangers, knocking them into the suitcase he'd opened and laid flat.

"Alec! What the hell?" I shouted, dumbfounded.

"(y/n)! What the hell? How could you forget that we start our European tour in three days?"

I felt my eyebrows raise. "Our flight's tomorrow?"

Alec practically jumped up and down. "Yes!"

My jaw dropped. I walked over, looked him in the eyes and then dramatically slapped the remaining half of my clothes in my closet by the hangers. "I need to pack!"

He nodded violently, as if to say yeah, you dumb b*tch, that's what I've been trying to tell you.

We stood there for about 15 seconds before remembering to get started. We spoke at the same time.

"Oh, yeah."

"Start. Packing!"
* * * * *

The next morning, I woke up at 7 and went down to Alec's apartment. I knocked on his door, then invited myself in.

"Alec?" I wandered past the kitchen and into his room. He was still asleep.

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