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There's a lot of things you don't know about me

(Y/N's POV)

"Alec, keep up!"

"I'm trying! It's hard!"

We went out the back studio door and had been running down 4th street for at least a half mile.

"Y/n, I'm tried can we please stop?" Alec whined behind me.

"No, Alec! You were terrified and went into fight or flight not ten minutes ago! What happened?" I shouted, turning my head around to see him lagging behind me.

"I was in fight or flight. Now I'm tired."

I rolled my eyes. "You gotta start working out more. You should go on runs with me when I ask you t-"


"Yeah, ok, not the time, I get it."

"It really doesn't help that I had a chocolate croissant for breakfast." He mumbled aloud.

I turned to look behind me, as I started to slow down. I didn't see Ethan anywhere.

I slowly halted to a walking pace. Alec thanked the lord for my mercy.

"Ugh! Thank. God."

"You good?" He looked a little dizzy.

"I'm fine." He said with a hand motion.

"Good..." I turned around.

"Because were gonna have to start running again."

"What?!" He exclaimed. Half in fright, half in exasperation. "We just stopped!" He said, dragging out the last word like a whining child.

"He's right behind us." I said, nonchalantly as I quickly began building pace.

"Oh! Sh-"

I turned a corner, ran through an alleyway, tipped over a motorcycle, and began to climb a a fence into a parking garage.

When I got to the to the top of it, I realized that the fence was higher than I had anticipated.

I looked behind me to see Alec was nowhere to be found, but Ethan was climbing the fence right behind me.

Ok. Ok great. That's great. Absolutely perfect.

Ok y/n. You can do this.

You remember how to do this, right? It wasn't that long ago that you were trained.

I climbed over the side of the fence so I was at the top on the other side. I scanned the level of the garage quickly.

I looked for any open windows, or any sign of an unlocked car door.

After about 4 seconds of scanning, I saw a black Jeep with its sunroof open.

First time in a New York parking garage, eh?

I looked at the license plate. Sure enough, it said Montana.

I closed my eyes and took a quick, deep breath, before I jumped from the fence, falling a good 15 feet, landing softly in a somersault.

Must Have Been the Wind (Alec Benjamin X reader) Where stories live. Discover now