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Who's Annabelle

(Y/N's POV)

My eyes felt as if they were about  to fall out of my head from how wide I was attempting to open them.


His eyebrows were raised, his eyes slightly wide. He was clearly amused, visible from the slight smirk on his face.

"I?" He asked in response, egging me on.

"You're....Alec BENJAMIN?"

He nodded nonchalantly. "Yep that's me."

"S-so you wrote w-water fountain and end of the sum- and a-annabelle's- What?"

"I think I did, yeah. Pretty sure that was me at least."

"Oh my- o-oh my g-" I sat down on the couch, feeling as if I could hyperventilate.

"I can't believe that I didn't put that together."

"I can't believe you didn't already have that put together." I punched his arm. "Ow!"

We sat there in silence for quite a while.



"Who's Annabelle?" He turned to look me in the eyes, his eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"What do you mean?"

"You know in 'Annabelle's homework'? Who is she? Did you go to high school with her?"


"Wait. Lemme guess." I said, suddenly acting dramatically artistic to imitate him.

"Annabelle isn't real." I said with a posh British accent.

"Annabelle is simply a metaphor for the fact that you always felt the need to prove yourself in high school, and also to highlight the fact that no girls you wanted, wanted you because you were- get this," I said breaking the accent, "a socially awkward...nerd!"

I flopped back onto the couch dramatically and pretended to faint as if the frantic artistry and depth was too much for my little head to bear.

"Very funny."

"No seriously though, was she real?"

"...kind of. What you said in your weird, inaccurate British accent was actually pretty spot on."

My eyes widened in realization. I felt like such an idiot. "Oh my god, really?! I was just completely making that up! I didn't mean to make fun of you!"

"Hey, no it's ok. It was actually hilarious."

"Ok I have another question."


"So are all these songs actually about different girls or all they all just about one and you're trying to make it look like you're a player."

"Woah, was that a personal attack?"

"Maybe." I shrugged a little nonchalantly.


"You're not answering the question! I think it is only about one girl!"



"Actually, no!"

"But, actually yes."

"But actually no."

"But actua-"

"Ok they were all written about 2 girls."

I stood up on the couch.

"hA!" I jumped up and down. "I was right! I knew I was right!"

"You're in a very annoying mood." He said, standing next to me on the floor as I continued to dance on the couch.

"So..what I'm hearing is...I was right? Yes. Yes I think that is what I'm hearing..." I kept muttering to myself.

"Very funny."

"I was right-" my foot slipped and I fell to my left.


I close my eyes, expecting the impact to hurt. When I don't feel anything except two arms under both my waist and knees, I open my eyes.

My face was about 3 inches from his. His eyes were the most gorgeous shade of aquamarine.
His voice was low and husky when he spoke. He cleared it quietly.

"Are you ok?" I nodded, not taking my eyes off of his. "You should be more careful next time. I might not be there to catch you." His voice was still quiet and low.

I closed my eyes as I whispered. "Ok." It came out as a whisper with a slight edge of my voice.

(Alec's POV)

I was holding her. Her waist and thighs in my arms. Her arm around my neck. Her eyes gazing into mine. She was angelic. Her eyes stared at me with too much emotion for me to even depict.

I wanted to kiss her so badly right then and there.

I wanted to do more.

Her eyes moved from my lips to my eyes over and over.

We slowly inched closer.

My eyes shut.

Our noses touched.

I tilted my chin up a tiny bit.

A noise startled me causing me to drop her legs. She regained her balance and then sat down on the couch again.

My heart was beating out of my chest.

My phone was ringing. Toll free number. Of course. I threw my phone on the chair and went and sat down on the couch.

"So." She spoke. "Tell me about these girls?"

I was a little off put by the question but I thought about a way to answer, nevertheless.

"Well. There was one girl that I met when I was 15. I wrote end of the summer and water fountain about her. Also that one verse in I Built A Friend. And I wrote Annabelle's Homework, Let Me Down Slowly, and If I Killed  Someone For You about another."

"You seemed to be obsessed with the second girl."


"Well. In both of those songs you end up unhappy. In all of those songs the girl is ungrateful and using you, and in one of them you're putting their amusement before your life."

"Well I don't know about that that's a little dramatic-"

"Oh please do you really need me to read you your own lyrics."

I looked at her for a little while, realizing she was right.

"Yeah, ok, fine."

There was silence for a little while and then I though of a question to ask her.

"I have a question."


"What's your favorite song?"

She sat there, contemplating this for a while. It seemed as if she was actually putting a lot of thought into it.

"End of the summer." She finally spoke.


"Yeah. I'm kind of pissed there isn't a music video."

Silence filled the apartment again. Until I thought of an absolutely, wonderfully crazy idea. I looked up at her, meeting her eyes.

"You wanna make one?"
AN: oh boy. Were starring in a music video together now this is getting serious.

Thanks for reading!

-Erin 💕

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