• t w e n t y - s e v e n •

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I swung back

(Y/N)'s POV

My mind was racing.

As soon as I closed the door behind me I started hyperventilating.

Breathe (y/n). It's ok.

I hadn't been paying attention to where I was walking but the next thing I knew I was pressing the down arrow on the elevator.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror across from me. There was still makeup on my face from filming. My breath kept getting caught in my lungs. I could feel my heart beat pulsing, causing my veins to throb. My hyperventilation slowed as I locked eyes with my reflection.

I don't know if I've ever looked more broken.

"(y/n)!" I heard Alec's desperate call.

The elevator opened and I stepped in immediately. I pressed the button to close the door before he got down the hallway.

I kept my head down in the hotel lobby and stormed out the door. The air was frigid and dry against my tear-stained cheeks.

I didn't know where I thought I was going. It couldn't have been more than 15 degrees (Fahrenheit because I'm a lowly American) outside. God knows I'd freeze if I was out here for more than an hour.

I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking and the next thing I knew I ran into someone and nearly landed on my back before I caught myself.

"Oh I'm so s-" I cut myself off.


(Y/n) run.

Why aren't you moving?!

His head tilted slightly. Like a dog trying to read the emotions on my face. I didn't change my expression, although I'm sure I looked more terrified than I thought.

I couldn't tell if I was shaking because it was cold, or because I was petrified.

I gulped, and spoke through gritted teeth. "What are you doing here?"

He smiled. Like a sociopath. "Awe, (y/n), did you forget? My cousins live in Oakdale."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Oakdale's a half hour from here."

"So? The only fun stuff is in the twin cities."

That's true.

I didn't say anything. He furrowed his eyebrows, looking at something near my shoulder.

I felt his fingers brush against my neck and jolted away.

"Is that a hickey?" Ethan asked, an edge to his voice.

"...uh. I-I don't know."

"Why would you have a hickey?" The anger in his tone became more prominent with every word.


"(y/n), I though we agreed," he was backing me into a wall, "you're still my girl."

I gulped. I wasn't sure how to get out of this one. I glanced behind me and there was an alleyway about three feet to the left. As he walked closer to me I edged towards it.

"And whoever gave you that hickey is gonna pay for it, yes?"

I didn't respond.

"And you're gonna let me give you another one because you're still my girl?"

Something about the way he said that.

It really didn't sit right.

I felt something snap inside me. Like my subservient side had finally decided to take a break.

Must Have Been the Wind (Alec Benjamin X reader) Where stories live. Discover now