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A Formal Introduction

(Y/N)'s POV

"No...what are you doing. That's sheet music you bumbling buffoon! Stop scribbling on it!" I laughed out, running after Alec. He'd been helping me practice for my audition for the past few weeks.

We were quite comfortable with each other now. He was my best friend in this city. I'd like to think I was his as well.

"Bumbling buffoon?" He asked, amused. "Who says that?"

"I do! Now gimme back my sheet music!"

"But I was drawing something. I'm almost done."


"(y/n)!" He turned his back to continue drawing.

Without thinking about it, I ran up behind him and jumped on his back.

"Woah! Hey! That's not fair!"

"Give. Me. My. Sheet music."

"Jeez. Fine. Ok."

There was silence for a couple seconds.

"Well you gotta get off of me first."

"Oh, right yeah, sorry." I slid off his back and he handed me back the paper.

"What were you even draw-"

I looked at the picture, intently, lost for words.

He had drawn the spitting image of the fountain at Lincoln center. It was extraordinary, especially since he did it in 2 minutes with a ballpoint pen.

"How did you- I didn't know you could- it's amaz-"

"I appreciate it, but it's really not that good. If I was actually trying it would be so much better."

"This isn't...actually trying?"


I was looking at the sheet music, lost for words. I wasn't sure how long I had been admiring before I heard him clear his throat.

"Um. Should we get back to practicing."

Suddenly the whiny-ness in my voice came out.

"I don't wannaaaaa. We've been working for so long! Can we please take a break?"

I pleaded as I dramatically flopped onto the couch.

He sighed, staring at me with a slight look of adoration. As if he thought it was cute.

"Ok. I guess." He sat next to me.

There was silence for a little while before I spoke, letting my curiosity consume me.


"Yes, (y/n)."

"Can I see some drawings? You know, like, ones where you're 'actually trying?'"

He looked a little...nervous?

"Uh. I don't know."

"Why not?"

"It's just, some of my drawings are...graphic."

"What...kind of graphic?"

He didn't answer. My eyes scanned the room until they came to a shelf. I saw on one of the shelves, there was a black notebook, with gold rinds.

He saw that I was looking at it and his eyes widened. Confirming my suspicion.

I quickly stood up and bolted over to the shelf. I grabbed the notebook and ran into the bathroom, locking the door.

"(Y/n)! Open the door! C'mon if you're gonna see them I'm gonna have to explain."

I didn't answer as I opened it.

The first page was of the beach. It was beautiful. It was drawn with pencil, and extremely detailed.

I turned it. There was a guitar sitting against a wall. I'm guessing it was special to him.

There wasn't anything weird or out of the ordinary yet.

The next page was a drawing of a sunset. Done in, I'm guessing, oil pastel. I touched it. It felt too smooth to be crayon but too waxy to be colored pencil. Oil pastel indeed.

I turned the page and

What the bloody fu-

It was a drawing of a woman. She was pretty. Very pretty. She was wearing a necklace with a dragonfly on it.

That was all she was wearing.

I must've gasped because I heard Alec start to speak in response.

"Look, (y/n) I can explain that, ok?"

I turned the page and there was another drawing of a woman who was naked. It was a different woman, just as pretty as the one before.

I stood up and opened the door. His eyes widened at my expression. So I'm guessing I looked surprised. I was no doubt blushing. I could feel it on my cheeks.

"I-I can explain."

"You don't need to."


"They're..." I let out a sigh, "they're beautiful drawings. And they're beautiful girls."

He looked surprised at my response.

"R-really? You're not offended? Or upset?"

"Alec, why would I be upset? It's not like these girls didn't want you to, they obviously had to pose for them to be drawn. And like I said, they're really good."

"Oh." He said, eyeing the floor. "Thank you."

"So," I said, walking back over towards the couch. "Is there a story behind those girls?"

He chuckled, a little nervously, but mainly out of humor as he sat down next to me.

"Maybe I'll tell you one day." My jaw dropped in offense.

"You're seriously not gonna tell me?"

He shook his head while he smiled.

"Seriously?" He shrugged in response.

"Fine. Be that way. I'm ignoring you now."

"Hey c'mon now don't do that."

I didn't listen. Instead, I opened Spotify and scrolled down to "narrated for you" and played If We Have Each Other.

"Whatcha listening to?"

I rolled my eyes, knowing that I couldn't continue to ignore him, even though it's only been about ten seconds.

"This album by this dude."

"That's specific."

"It's a song called 'if we have each other' by Alec Benjamin." I smiled. "Oh what's a co-ink-ie-dink, he has the same first name as you."

It was then I realized I never learned Alec's last name.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I listened. "And, a similar voice..." I skipped to the next song.

Water fountain began to play.

"And. The same song that you sang to me the day we met..."

He smiled. "Have I ever properly introduced myself?" He asked with a cheeky grin.

My eyes widened. "...n-no. No you haven't."

He extended his hand out.

"Hi. I'm Alec Benjamin. Nice to meet you."
AN: it's been a hot minute since I've updated. And I know that this chapter kinda makes zero sense but it'll make sense in time trust me I have plans for the plot ok it'll be good. I promise.


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