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Only This

(Y/N)'s POV

"This is so dumb." Alec spoke with a fistful of popcorn in his mouth, sitting on the bed in the hotel room.

"Oh, just shut up and find the movie." I rolled my eyes and sat next to him, folding my fuzzy pajama pant-wearing legs.

He rolled his eyes, but did as he was told.
*              *              *               *              *               *

"(y/n) can you stop fawning?"

"I'm sorry! I can't. He just so..." I looked back at the screen, tilting my head a little as I continued. "Pretty."

He threw a popcorn kernel at me.

"Put your hands on me Jack."

"Ugh." Alec groaned at Rose's dramatic request.

"Oh, calm down." I replied, intolerantly.

"No! That's such a weird thing to say."

"So you're telling me, if you were alone with girl that you liked and she whispered that, you wouldn't be turned on?" I raised an eyebrow.


"You hesitated."

"You we're making a weird face!"

"Now you're getting defensive?"

"Why are you interrogating me?"

"I don't know." I continued to make awkward and slightly creepy eye contact with him as I shoved some popcorn in my mouth.

He chuckled. I chuckled back.

I set the popcorn bowl down. There was silence for a couple seconds. I put my hand in his.

His eyes got wide as he looked back in mine. I kept my face angled down, but let my eyes gaze up. I spoke in a low whisper; you could barely hear the shrill sound in my voice.

"Put your hands on me, Alec."

I saw him gulp.

"I-" he started to speak.

"hA! See! It works!"

"You're trembling."
"Don't worry, I'll be alright."


"Ok I've decided. I'm in love with young Leonardo DiCaprio."

"That's unfortunate, he's not young anymore."

I scowled and flicked him.

*              *              *               *              *               *

"Jack, I want you to draw me like one of your French girls. Wearing this."


"...wearing only this."

Alec grabbed a pillow from behind him and buried his face into it.

"Gag me with a spoon." I heard his muffled voice say.

I shoved him, unintentionally making him fall off the bed.

"Now, the last thing I need is another picture of me looking like a porcelain doll. And as a paying customer... I expect to get what I want."

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