• f i f t e e n •

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AN: just so you know, for the sake of the plot, you have family in Long Island. :)

I had this really strong urge

(Y/N's POV)

We got our of the car, and walked up to the door. I greeted the two cats that my cousins have out on the porch before the door opened.

"(Y/n)?" She asked, surprised.

"Joana! Hi!" I hugged her tight, catching my cousin off guard a little.

"Oh my god, what are you doing here? I thought you moved to the city?" She asked, tucking a stand of her dark brown, straight hair behind her ear.

"Well, I did, but I needed somewhere else to stay." I said, a little suspiciously.

She furrowed her brows. "Oh. Well why didn't you stay with Kim? You know she lives on 12th street?" She asked, referring to my other cousin, her oldest sister.

"Well..." I turned and glanced at Alec. "It's kind of a long story." I checked the time on my phone. 11:48. "But since it's getting late I could maybe tell you about it tomorrow?"

"Uh, yeah, sure. Come in." She stepped aside to let us in.

"Uh, Jo, this is Alec." I said awkwardly, motioning to him after I cleared my throat.

She quirked an eyebrow at me suspiciously, waiting for me to explain his significance. When I didn't, she shook his hand.

"Hi, nice to meet you."

"Uh, Yeah, you too." He replied, awkwardly.

"Well, I wish you could've said hi to Steph, but she already went to bed." Joana said, referring to her other older sister.

"Oh. She's home?" I asked, a little taken aback. She's usually anywhere else.

"Yep. As of right now she is." She spoke, nonchalantly, as she walked into the kitchen.

I quickly realized what that meant. There were only 4 bedrooms in this house. My aunt and uncle were in one, Steph was in another, and Joana would be taking the third.

Which meant there was only one left.

Great. That's just perfect.

"Well. I take it you guys are pretty tired considering how far you drove." She poured three glasses of water.

"Yeah. A little." I spoke as I took a sip.

"Well there are sheets upstairs in Kim's old room. I have to get up early so I'm gonna go to sleep. If that's ok."

"Oh yeah sure, don't worry about it."

"Ok, goodnight." She climbed up the stairs.

Alec spoke. "I take it she was talking to you when she mentioned the sheets?"


"I mean, that's where you're sleeping. But where am I gonna sleep?"

My eyebrows raised a little. I took a slow, dramatic sip of my water.

"Well." I replied, letting out a sigh. "I think...you're also sleeping there."

His eyes widened. This time he was the one to take a dramatic sip.

"That won't be weird, will it? I mean, we're pretty good friends."

"Yeah, no it'll be fine." He responded. I could tell by his tone he was clearly trying to convince himself.

F my life F it hard.
* * * * *

(Alec's POV)

This isn't weird. This isn't weird at all. Just you and your friend sleeping together.

WOAH, wait. Not "sleeping together" in that sense, no, get your mind out of the gutter. We're just- we just-


We just happen to be sleeping in the same bed.

It's fine. That's fine. Just you and your very attractive friend sleeping in the same bed together. No biggie.

It's perfectly ok. It's perfectly ordinary. Ok. Pep talk over.

I walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom.

She was wearing a black tank top and some pajama pants. I'm guessing they were one of her cousins. She was putting the sheets on the bed.

"Need any help?"

"Yeah, maybe a little." She said, clearly struggling to reach the corner that's right next to the wall.

"Eyeh! Eyehhh!" She exclaimed, oddly, as she attempted to reach.

"Ok, weirdo, let me do it." I took the sheet corner from her.

"Thank you, I felt really stupid."

I put the sheets on the bed and as soon as I had one of the pillowcases on she had climbed under the covers and laid down.

"Hey. You could've like...I dunno...waited."

She mumbled gibberish in response.

"Yeah, ok."

I walked over and turned off the light, before I climbed in next to her and tried to keep my distance a little.

That was going fine for a couple of minutes before she rolled onto her other side, laying her head completely on my shoulder.

"S-sorry." She quickly turned back around and inched away.

I don't know what washed over me when this happened. I don't know where I got this confidence. All I know, is that I'm so glad I did it.

(Y/N's POV)

In the midst of my freak-out, I felt a hand on my upper arm.

I felt him rest his chin on my shoulder, pressing his cheek onto my neck to get more comfortable.

His chest was pressed against my back. I had never been more close to him.

I felt chills radiating through my body. I was frozen in place. He moved his hand down from my arm onto my waist, and snaked his arm around it. I melted, ending my broken state. My whole body broke out into a blush. My skin felt hot.

I don't know what washed over me when this happened. I don't know where I got this confidence.

I turned around so my face was against his chest. My stomach pressed against his. I put my ear up to his heartbeat. It was racing almost as fast as mine.

I had this really strong urge.

A really strong urge to kiss him. Right then and there.

I inhaled deeply, in attempts to slow my heartbeat, as I remembered that evening on the roof where I first hugged him.

Then I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.
AN: kind of a short chapter. But at least I'm starting to update regularly. I mean. That's something, right?

-Erin 💕

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