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Under the stars

(Y/N)'s POV (Three weeks later)

I was reluctant to say yes to this music video idea. I've never been too keen on being in any sort of production. Let alone starring in one.

But after some convincing (more accurately his annoyingly effective puppy dog eyes) from Alec, I caved.

So the next thing I know I'm sitting in an RV, in the middle of a meadow upstate, two women putting makeup on my face and doing my hair.

I forget their names. But they're rather argumentative with each other. In a lighthearted kind of way.

I think.

"Oh no no don't put so much blush on her!"

"Why? She's supposed to look summery! Blush is summery!"

"First of all. A peachy-er shade of blush placed higher on her cheekbones with more highlighter would be summery. You've done it all wrong- you know I don't know why I'm wasting my time telling you this when I could've already undone it and done it right."

She reached for a makeup wipe. The other one slapped her hand.

"It's fine! I'll fix it myself!"

"No you'll do it wrong again."

I looked at each of them before clearing my throat. "Um. Do you think it would be ok if...if I did it?"

They looked shocked. Offended, more accurately.

"I-it's just I. I do this kind of makeup all the time. And my hair kinda already does the wavy thing on its own but I know how to play it up, if necessary."

The one who messed it up shrugged, and looked up at the other one.

"Fine. Fine ok sure. I mean, we still get paid either way."

They walked out.

I took a makeup wipe and rubbed it all over my cheek, my eyes widening in exasperation.

(Alec's POV)

A meadow like this is where I knew she'd look the most beautiful.

The sun shining. The tall grass bowing with the wind, the flowers. I just knew they'd go well with her.

Just the way she was. Her personality. Her aura. She was so carefree and fun, yet knew when to be serious.

If I had to think of one thing she reminded me of, it would have to be a meadow.

Vast and huge, yet warm-feeling and inviting.

Open, yet mysterious.

Warm and shiny from the sun, wondrous and twinkling from the stars.

The flowers would add color and beauty. But she wouldn't need it.

God I sound crazy. I must be obsessed with this girl.

I should really write a song or something.

(Y/N's POV)

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