• t h i r t y - s i x •

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AN: go add @squeemsquabenji's Alec Benjamin book you your library. Do it right now. It's gonna be good. :)
You had some news?

(Y/N's POV)

"You know, it could be possible that twilight actually isn't that bad." Alec said wittily as we walked down the stairs of our apartment complex.

I rolled my eyes at him, not in the mood to argue this early in the morning. "Stop playing devil's advocate." I looked him in his teasing eyes. "Plus, how would you know?"

He looked away awkwardly. "I just...know."

My mouth hung open. "Oh my god, you read twilight."

"No- I-I didn't." He wouldn't look at me.

"How many did you read?" I narrowed my eyes. He sighed.

"...all of them."

"Alec!" I put a hand on my hip and gave him a disappointed look.

"What?! It really roped me in!" I comically rolled my eyes at him as I unlocked my mailbox. As I grabbed each envelope, and began rifling through them, he spoke again. "You can't pretend you're better than me, you read them too."

He grabbed his mail out of his mailbox.

Bill, bill, card from mom, bill, letter from NYU, bill-

I gasped. Alec didn't look up. "What? It's true. You read the entire twilight series so I don't know why you think you have the right to-"

"Oh my god." I held the letter in my shaking hand.

"What?" He finally looked up. When he saw what I was holding, his eyes went wide. His gaze shifted from the letter, to me, then back to the letter.

"Well...are you gonna open it?" He asked.

"Not here." I replied quickly.

We walked back to the elevator. I held the letter in my fidgeting hands. I started cracking my knuckles.

Alec slapped my hands away from each other.

"No." He pouted. I remembered he hated it.

"I'm sorry, I'm just really nervous, ok? I've been waiting for this for like twelve years." He grabbed me by my forearms and made me face him.

"Hey, whatever happens, it'll work out, I promise." I gulped and looked down. He tilted my chin up gently. "And I'll always be here."

I smiled lightly, my nerves still boiling over too much to really do anything else.

I played with the letter in my hand as we walked down the hall. He opened the door and we walked in, in a daze I sat down at the counter.

Some time passed and neither of us said anything. "Do you want me to open it for you?"

I contemplated that, before nodding and handing it to him lightly. I played with my hands as he opened it.

He didn't take his eyes off me as he carefully ripped the envelope and slid the letter out. As soon as his eyes settled on the words I jumped it and grabbed it from him.

"I'm sorry!" I couldn't let him do it. I ran across my apartment with the letter and scanned the top line.

I read the first 3 words. My eyes went wide.

Alec locked eyes with me, waiting for my expression to change. I tried to speak but it came out in stutters. I clumsily handed him the letter.

His eyes narrowed slightly as he read.

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