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AN: alright guys. I know my writing's been lazy in this book. I'm very aware. To make up for it. I'm turning up my good writing as we speak. I am now in well-spoken-analogous-mode. What did I just say. What even was that. I'm gonna leave now. Enjoy the chapter.

Alec, We Need to Go

(Alec's POV)

"No." I spoke. "No, we're not."  (y/n) nodded.

"We're just good friends."

The interviewer nodded, though not as if he was convinced.

"Ok. It just looked as if you two were very...close in the music video."

"Uh. Yeah. Yeah well, we are. Just not in that way." She spoke, rather convincingly. It almost made me sad.

Does she really not believe we could be something more?

I mean, we're great as friends but even I know I want us to happen. And I know like...


"Is that so? Alec?"

"Hm?" I had zoned out.

"Are you two just friends?"

"Oh, y-yeah, yes!" I stuttered. "....unfortunately." I spoke away from the microphone.

Or so I thought.

The audience gasped a little. A few people cheered.

My eyes were bulging out of my skull. But when I turned and saw (y/n), her eyes were wider.

(Y/N's POV)

Did he just-


No he didn't.

He was joking.

Ha, that's funny.

...I don't get it.

Ok, wait, maybe he wasn't joking.

Well if he wasn't, we need to make it seem like he was.

I put a mischievous grin on, and looked at the audience, achieving some laughs and cheers.

"...is that so?" I said into my microphone flirtatiously.

His eyes widened. I nodded to him, to signal that I was joking. His eyebrows raised in realization, and he plastered his own grin on his face.

"Why yes. Yes, indeed it is."

We both broke out in laughter, which we played up a little bit. The audience laughed with us.

Thank god we got outta that one.

I'll have to ask him about this later.

I couldn't hide the fact that my heart nearly skipped a beat when he said "unfortunately."

But I'm not sure why.

"So you guys aren't together then." Kevin said as a statement.

"Yes." Alec and I both said at the same time.

Now it was Kevin's turn to grin.

"...why not?"

Both of our mouths dropped open. We began stuttering instantaneously.

"Uh...um...well...um, uh, I-"

"(y/n) seems like a great girl! Doesn't she Alec?"

"Oh- uh, yeah of course! She's smart...and caring...and fun..." he turned to look me in the eyes. "...beautiful."

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