• t w e n t y - f o u r •

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I have to what?

(YN's POV)

"Stop being such a baby."

"I am not!"

"It's not even that cold today."

"Um excuse me? It's 34 degrees!"

"And sunny! Therefore, not that cold."

Alec and I were walking from where we parked to the mini mansion where we were filming.

"How far do we have to walk?" Alec asked, whiny-ness in his voice.

"Just two more houses...according to google maps at least."

"Ok I'm running. I can't be outside any longer."

He ran past me and bolted to the red brick house down the street.

*              *              *               *              *               *

I walked past the threshold into the house, and I was greeted by camera men, makeup artists, set builders, small talk, the yelling of directions...all and all, organized chaos.

"Ah! (y/n), this is Chelsea, and I'm Jeremy."

After I didn't move Chelsea whispered to him.

"Is she ok?"

Suddenly all the shock in my body left long enough for me to start rambling.

"Oh my god hi, it's so nice to meet you I've been- I- I'm- hi. Big fan."

Jeremy chuckled in response. "Alec's in the living room. We're actually gonna start on the beach down by the lake. We're just gonna film the intro."

I nodded, but my face conveyed some confusion.

"Oh! Yeah, that's right we haven't told you the screen play." He walked into the dining room and grabbed what appeared to be a script.

I opened it, and sure enough it was the detailed screenplay of the music video.

Intro: film (y/n) standing by the beach, tears on her face. (note: make sure to have Ella put the bruises on her. (Specifically her neck.))

"Uh...who's Ella?"

"She's the makeup artist." Jeremy replied nonchalantly.

"Um...why do I have bruises on my neck?"

Jeremy picked up a box of props. "Just keep reading sweetheart." He winked at me, and then wandered off into the kitchen.

I furrowed my eyebrows a little and then continued to read.

(Cut to the cafe.)

(y/n)'s drinking coffee.

She gets a text.

"I'm sorry."

She turns her phone off.

"I didn't mean to."

I knew exactly what those texts were referring to. Ethan had only sent me those types of messages about a thousand times.

"Please come back."

(y/n) begins to cry, she grabs her jacket and leaves.

(Cut to the outside of the house.)

(y/n) walks back to the mansion.

"(Y/n)! You ready?" Michael, our director, asks.

"Oh, yeah sure let me just put my coat on."

Must Have Been the Wind (Alec Benjamin X reader) Where stories live. Discover now