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Say What Now

(Y/N's POV)

The bright sun came through the window, waking me. I had forgotten to put the blinds down.

Ugh. The sun comes up at like 5:30 AM in New York.

I was about to roll over to check the time when I realized I couldn't roll over.

The reason as to why was pretty simple:

There was an arm wrapped around me, firmly confining me to one place.

I wiggled a little, awkwardly, in attempts to wake him just enough for him to move.

He stirred and mumbled something inaudible.

"Alec." I spoke, softly, try to wake him a little.

He mumbled I response. I rolled my eyes and attempted to wiggle out. He mumbled in a complaining tone and held on tighter.

I continued to wiggle for a while until I finally turned over, falling out of his arms, and out of the bed.

"Woah!" I caught myself on the wood floor. He sprung awake.

"What happened? Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. What time is it?" I asked, pulling my palm to my forehead.

"Ummm..." he reached over to grab his phone. "Oh, shit!"

"Woah I didn't realize that we were swearing at clocks now."

He swiped on his screen and put the phone up to his ear.

My eyes widened in annoyance and I shrugged dramatically.

"Hello? Yeah I'm so sorry! Could we reschedule?"

"Who is it?" I whisper-shouted. He put his hand up, signaling "one second" as she shushed me dramatically.

"Ok, yeah we'll be right there."

"We'll be right where?!" He hung up the phone.

"That was my manager. He said I was supposed to be in an interview with urban outfitters an hour ago."

"Oh. That's not good."

"Yeah so we gotta go meet him and explain ourselves. Get dressed."

I raised my eyebrows as I walked over to the bathroom where I left my clothes from yesterday.

I realized something as Alec closed the bedroom door.

"Hey! You still haven't told me what damn time it is!" I shouted, as I put on my dress.
* * * * *

"Hey, Jo, we gotta head back to the city." I said as I walked into the kitchen.

"Already? It's 10:30."

"Thank you!" I said, throwing my hands up in the air. She looked confused.

"Yeah Alec got a call from his manager and we have to go back."

"His...manager?" She raised one eyebrow.


"What is he, like, famous?" She chuckled as she turned to scramble her eggs as they were frying.

When I didn't answer she turned around, shocked. "(Y/n). He's not famous is he?"

I shrugged, not looking her in the eyes.

Must Have Been the Wind (Alec Benjamin X reader) Where stories live. Discover now