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AN: ok can I just say. I made this fan fiction because I was so intrigued by Must Have Been the Wind and I wanted to understand it.



Anyways just thought I'd tell u guys that. Carry on.
Actually Me

(Third Person POV)

(y/n) sat down at the table in the studio and put the laptop in front of her.

"Alright so, do you wanna go ahead and film an intro?" A member of the crew asked.

"Sure! Are we ready?" She responded. He nodded and pointed at her.

"Hi, I'm (y/s/n), and today I am going undercover on the internet to find out what you've been saying about me." She laughed lightly as she opened the laptop. "And this, is Actually Me."

"Ok..." she cracked her knuckles. "Let's start with...Twitter." She pulled up a sign up screen.

"Hmmm...what should I do for a username..." she shrugged and spontaneously typed in
(y/s/n)loves_chrishemsworth. She smirked and looked at the camera.

"Seems legit." She shrugged wittily.

I don't mean to sound rude at all, I love (y/s/n), but how did she get so famous so fast? Like gaining 1 million followers in like 5 months? Is she really all that special?

She raised her eyebrows and nodded, a smirk plastered on her face.

"You know..." she paused her typing to read the username. "Spicynoodles2003, I had been wondering the same thing myself. What makes me special? What makes me different?" She typed quickly, her voice dripping with wit and sarcasm.

"And, I have come to the conclusion, that it must be the wit, the charm. This..." she gestured to her dress. "19th century bohemian aesthetic." She chucked. "No, I'm kidding. The truth is, I am no different than anyone else. There are people out there that are much more talented than me, and much more deserving than me and I hope that some day they get more then they deserve." She smiled sincerely.

"Just like I did." She looked into the camera. "Post it."

Why is (y/s/n) always so awkward on stage? I can't tell if it's because she's really secure, or really insecure.

She rested her elbow on the table and put her cheek against her fist. "You know..." she looked up at the camera. "I can't either." She shook her head.

"Hmmm." She tilted her head. "Do I answer this sarcastically, or sincerely..." she stared off. She shrugged and looked back at the camera. "I'll just combine the two."

"It's a little bit of both, I think. Growing up, I was very insecure about the way that I looked and how I acted, and just who I was altogether. Once I got to high school, it got a lot better and now I'm just kinda stuck being the awkward mess that I was." She laughed. "Although, at least now, people find it endearing and quirky, rather than something they can blatantly make fun of."

She narrowed her eyes. "At least, I'd like to think. For all I know, people are blatantly making fun of me wherever I go." She widened her eyes in exasperation at herself. "That's okay though. It doesn't bother me too much anymore." She smiled lightly. "Post it."


She typed in (y/s/n)_the_og_art_hoe and signed in.

She scrolled to a comment on a video of Alec and her kissing on stage.

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