Chapter 4|•Connection

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Today my father left for work early and I was just reading a book when I heard a knock on the door. "Emily." I said with a smile, "Please come in." I opened the door wider letting her in.

"Hey I just wanted to know if you want to go out. The guys are gone and I wanted you to come and have some fun." She stated and I smiled. "Sure, it's boring as hell here." I said. "I'm just going to change and I'll be right down." I said. I changed into a black knee high skirt with a white blouse. I put on my black heels and left my hair down.

"I'm ready." I said walking down. She whistled and spoke, "If Seth was here he won't be able to take his eyes of you." Emily teased and I rolled my eyes playfully at her. "It's has a cute diner real close wanna go?" She asked giggling and I agreed to go.


"This is really good." I said taking a bite of the pork. "I know right, this place makes like the best meat appetizers." She said and I smiled at her. "Jacob told me that you just graduated from college." She said and I nodded. "Yes I did." I answered proudly. "So um.. What job are you hoping for." She asked and I shrugged, "Honestly I really wanted to open up my own business." I said taking another bite of my pork.

"That's nice."

It was absolutely fun, we went shopping, I got to know her more and I felt like I had a great connection with her. This is was really one of the best days of my life. When we came back we went back to her house and we saw Jacob, Sam, Seth and Paul and Jared on the sofas. Seth eyes trailed down my body.

"Seth you like what you see boy." Jacob teased. I couldn't help but blush, it's only now I realise that my slender legs were exposed. "Legs." Paul emphasised the word, smirking, making Seth growl. My eyes widened at the growl it was so deep, like a dog. But I didn't question it.

"I'll just carry these bags home now." I said smiling and hugging Emily before I left and saying my goodbyes to Jacob, Sam, Seth, Jared and Paul. "Hey! Want me to help!" I heard Seth shout and I turned around, "That would be nice." I answered and he took all the bags from my hands.

"Thank you." I said and he answered, "No problem." He said when I opened the door to let him in.

"I'll be right back I'm just going to change okay." I said putting on one of my skinny jeans again but this time a black one and a long short sleeve fitted top and my converse sneakers. I walked back downstairs and smiled at him.

"Thanks again for the help." I said and he smiled at me. "I was just being helpful." He said moving closer to me. My breath hitched when his warm body touched mine, I had to admit his body temperature was really warm just like Jacob, Paul, Sam, Jared Leah, Embry and Emily. But it felt nice.

He placed his hands on my face, there was big lump in my throat when I felt him moving closer, his lips lightly touched my lips, so soft and tender but I pulled away. I'm not the kind of girl who will kiss a person without knowing them, I didn't even know him for a week.

But truth be told, I never kissed anyone in my life. And I kissed Seth.  In 23 years I never did. I could see the look of hurt on his face when I pulled away. I looked down and I heard him sigh. "Why did you pull away?" He whispered and I lifted my head, I felt him staring deep down in my green eyes. "I don't even know you properly and you don't even know me." I said.

He scoffed and rolled his eyes and that really ticked me off. "I told you before I know a lot about you, more than you know yourself maybe." He said before turning his back on me and walking out so I followed him.

"Hey! You know you say that! But you don't know me!" I shouted when we were outside he was already close to leaving the yard until he turned around. "I do." He said. "Mhm." I mumered before turning my back on him.

"Your eye colour is forest green, it turns light green in the night when you look up at the moon, you have blonde hair, you love waking up early because you love the sunrise, your favourite holiday is Christmas, your birthday is in September 24, which will be your golden birthday this year since your 23, you love animals, you always wanted to open your own business, most likely a hair dressing shop, or something to with cosmetics, your favourite colour is baby blue, your middle is Vanessa, we share a great connection already and you like me secretly but won't say."

I turned around and watched deep down in his brown eyes.

"How.... How do you know all those things?" I asked.

"Because your my imprint."

Wow how will she take this imprint situation?



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