Chapter 13|• The Gift

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I took a bath and put on a navel breaker and a skinny jeans, after Seth left and I took a sleep and it has actually been hours since I was asleep. I woke up rubbing my eyes and I was so parched. My throat was so dry and the burn from my stomach had gone. I saw my bottle of water on the window pane, I left it there when I was reading.

I was so tired to go get it and I stared down at the bottle and without warning the bottle came my way and landed in my hand. I was so shocked.


I couldn't believe it. What just happened, I mean I wanted the bottle and I just looked at it and it came in my hand. So I tried it again, I watched the book on the shelf. I watched, but it wasn't coming.

This has me so confused and I didn't want to ask Carlisle anything I wanted to figure this out on my own. So I focused on the book and before I knew it, the book was floating on the air and it was coming my way slowly and in a nick of time it came by me and the door opened.

"So your awake? How are you feeling?" Rosalie asked. "I'm fine." I said and I smiled at her. "So did you figure out your gift?" She asked and I have her, ' I think so' look. "I brought someone here to see you too." She said smiling at me.

"Dad!" I squealed and he ran up to me hugging me kissing my head. "Oh pumpkin Carlisle and Esme told me everything, well look at that my daughter is half human and vampire and she has a gift, I couldn't be more proud of my little baby." He said and I smiled at him. "So your really okay with this dad?" I asked.

"I couldn't be more proud of you." He said kissing my head and I smiled at him. "Do you know what is your gift?" Rosalie asked smiling at us. I smiled and answered, "I think I have telekinesis."

"What?" My father asked, "What is that?"

"It's the ability to move objects with your mind." Rosalie answered sounding really happy. "Can you show me?" She asked and I nodded. "I can make that vase come to me." I said. I focused on the vase and in flash it was in my hand, it was like a magnet drawn to a next magnet. This was so cool.

I loved my gift, I could imagine how many things I could do with it and I couldn't wait to tell Seth. The three of us went downstairs and told the Cullens about my gift. "That's fantastic!" Bella squealed hugging me and Renesmee smiled. "So lucky!" She said jumping into my arms and I hugged her, "Now you can help me steal snacks." She whispered and I giggled, "Anything for you." I said kissing her head.

"I wanna go tell Emily, Can someone drive me by Jacob's house?" I asked and they laughed, "Sweetie you don't have to drive to get there were on the same road you live on, just up the road and you'll get to Jacob's house and a little huge up and you'll get to yours." Alice said smiling and I smiled back.

All this time, I thought I was far away from Emily and them and I was right here all along, so quickly I said my goodbyes and went over to Jacob's house. I knocked on the door and I saw Emily. "Lizzy!" She squealed and I hugged her.

"I missed you so much."

"Me too." She said and we pulled away come in.

I told her about my gift and since she already knew I was a half vampire and half human, I told her story about how I was attacked and she felt sorry for me but I told her it was okay, because I enjoyed being half human and half vampire. What made it better was that, I was a member of the Cullens Family and since I imprinted on Seth I was also a part of the Quileute.

That's when the door opened revealing Sam, Paul, Jared, Leah, Embry and Seth. "Hey Lizzy, Hey Emily." They said. "Hey guys, hi Sethy boy." I said walking up to him, wrapping my hands around his neck giving him a kiss. "Did my little blossom miss me?" He asked and I pouted and nodded.

"Guess what though, I figured out my gift." I said holding his two hands swinging them. "Really what is it?" He asked. "Gift?" Embry asked and Emily pulled him away, "Long story I'll tell you guys later."

"I have telekinesis." I said smiling and he smirked. " Does that mean if I'm in the kitchen and your in the living room, if you want me you can pull me away?"

"Let's find out." I said walking into the living room and he went into the kitchen, I saw him smirking at me and I focused on him and before I knew it he was in front of me. "Damn baby so much force." He said. "Now when I don't want you to leave I can keep pulling you back." I teased kissing his nose.

"That's just disgusting. But your gift is cool." Embry said giving me thumbs up.

"I love your gift. It will help you in the future." Leah spoke giggling and I smiled.

"How did a pretty girl like you end up with my brother?" Leah asked folding her arms smiling, "You better treat her good Seth." She said giving him a glare and the room was filled with laughter. "I'll have you know I'll treat her like a princess and I'm incredibly handsome." He teased.

"Yes you are." I said kissing his neck lightly. "Damn blossom you know the sweet spot." Seth groaned. "Oh please stop!" Paul complained. "That's so cute." Emily said, "I don't want to get blind please go somewhere and do that, yuck!" Paul said making me laugh.

"Wanna go to the beach?" He asked and I nodded. "Let's go blossom."

"Bye guys!" I shouted and I heard them say bye from behind us and Emily and Sam saying, have fun. "Literally!" Paul shouted. "Use protection!" Embry shouted and Seth turned around and gave them a death glare and I giggled.

What do you think of this chapter? Do you think her powers will come in handy? Do you think they troubled are over or there is still more to come? I'd really like to know what you think and if you enjoyed it so Please...



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