Chapter 27|•Rescue

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"Embry?" I asked and he grabbed the vampire by his neck squeezing it so hard that blood appeared right in his very hands. If I thought things couldn't get worse, more vampires came out twelve and more. Oh shit!

I really thought this was the end for me, but then the Cullens and the Quileute members burst through the door. I could tell Leah and Seth were surprised as I was. "I brought back up." Embry said proudly with a smile and I smiled back at him.

Alice ran up to him, "Are you okay?" She asked I shook my head. "My... My stomach-" before I could finish I saw a vampire right behind Seth and used my telekinesis picking up a vase throwing it on that one. It had some steaks on the wall and I used my same power and stabbed them. By that time I was finished I was drained out.

Then Esme came up to us along with Renesmee, while the others were fighting. "God you look paler than before!" Alice exclaimed. She held my stomach and rubbed it, "I think we better get home." "What about Emma?" I asked, "She's at home with Billy Black and Amy she's okay."

"And Seth and Chase?" I asked getting the pain more and more. "Seth can handle himself and Chase is already covered." Renesmee said pointing to Edward who was protecting Chase. "Go dad!" Renesmee shouted eating a smirk from her father.

"Lets go." Alice said helping me up and carrying me out. "No. Someone has to fight that father." I said protesting. "It's being taken care of now let's go, this could be critical." Esme said. "I think we should inform Carlisle, I'll take Carlisle place." Alice shouted smiling at me and in a nick of time I saw a Alice fighting off the other vampires, that Carlisle were fighting.

Wait why did Alice smile at me, did she know something I didn't know? Was I getting a new power, well a next one? I asked myself but I couldn't concentrate. I felt myself slowly getting drowsy and before I knew it I blacked out.

I woke up back home with Carlisle, Esme and Renesmee by my side all smiling. "What's wrong with me? Where's Seth?" I asked getting up quickly but they warned me to relax.

"Seth still out, Jared brought back Chase and he says they're coming soon." Esme informed me touching my hand smiling. "Why are we smiling like this?" I asked confused.

Carlisle looked over at Esme then back at me, he took my hand lightly and placed it on my stomach.

"Your pregnant."

"I'm w-what?" I asked running my hand lightly over my stomach. "Yep your pregnant! I'm having a niece!" Renesmee squealed, "And we called your father in work and told him about it already. He's super excited and best of all, that hit didn't affect the baby in no way." Carlisle spoke with some joy in his words.

A tear drop slid down my cheek as I sucked on my bottom lip. "Pregnant." I spoke with a smile across my face. Just as when the moment couldn't get better Seth burst through the door.

He was beaten a lot, blood covered his clothes along with scar and bruises. Carlisle and Renesmee looked at each other and then Esme pulled them out. Seth closed behind them and ran to me, sitting beside. "Babe are you okay?" He asked kissing the back of my hand.

"I think I should be asking you that." I said with a smirk and he chuckled and he kissed the palm of my hand this time. "I'm so glad your okay." He said giving me soft yet passionate kiss.

"Is it over?" I asked.

"Yes it is." He said running my hand gently, "I killed the father, so basically yeah."

"You!" I exclaimed.

"Yes me! What you don't think I could take down an old powerful vampire, by myself." He said sounding offended.

"I didn't mean that." I said and he turned his head away from me, I could tell he was playing by his attitude. "Okay I'm sorry, my incredible handsome yet strong Sethy boy." I said leaning towards more and he smirked and turned his head by me again giving me a hot passionate kiss.

"Now that's better." he said when he pulled away, going to kissing the crook of your neck.

"I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" He asked.

"I'm pregnant." I whispered.

What did you think? Please don't be harsh.



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