Chapter 24|•Seth's Point Of View

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This was Seth's View on The last chapter and the chapter before, 22 and 23(mostly this one) This is Seth's POV only. It might be short because it's just showing how he came to that conclusion of Lizzy.


⭐Seth's POV⭐

"Hey Paul. Have you seen Embry?" I asked walking outside holding a stack of chopped wood. "Yeah I saw him walk off with Lizzy into the forest." He stated before walking away.

Wait! What?

With Lizzy!!!!

Why was she walking with him? Most importantly in the forest? Alone together! Wtf?

He must be mistaken her for Leah?

I hurried back to my house with the firewood dropping it at the side of the house running in. I ran upstairs and she wasn't there? Where was she? I ran into the forest, well I went by the Lake.

She wasn't there. What the hell!

Rage filled me, I felt the blood boiling in my veins as I clenched my fists. Why was she with Embry alone. It's not that I didn't trust her, I did. I do.

But Embry doesn't have an imprint and with him being kinda just like me, in a lot of ways I got scared. She always say she loves my personality but Embry and I shared the same well most of the same personality traits. This got me scared and nervous but mostly angry.

Lizzy was a diva. She was gorgeous what if Embry and her were doing something? What if they were going around secretly... So much questions in my mind? That I obviously couldn't answer.

Whatever, I thought, I trust her. She's my imprint, which means she only loves me so I put that at the back of my head. But it suddenly drawn to me, how long have she been doing this it couldn't be the first time? But I put it at the back of my head again.

I walked to Cullens home, I mean our houses were down the same trail, her father's house, Jacob's, the Cullens and then mine, which made it easy for me to see Lizzy.

I knocked on the door and Emily opened it. "Hey Seth." She greeted bringing me in. I didn't decided to mention anything about the Lizzy and Embry thing so I just replied back with the same greeting and a fake smile across my face.

"What do you think I should cook?" I heard Esme said in the kitchen and I went over and greeted her. She was pleased to see me and I wasn't surprise I was her favourite wolf after all.

"What do you think is one of Lizzy's favourite dish?" Esme asked me. "Well she does like chilli like Renesmee. That's one." I said sitting down on a chair in the kitchen.

"Chilli it is." Emily spoke smiling and I laughed. I started to feel a little light headed while I was helping them prepare the chilli, that's when Esme offered me to go into Lizzy room to take a nap. That was a good idea.

I looked at the clock it was going to be lunch time soon and Lizzy still hadn't come home and I sighed walking up the stairs. As soon as I got in the bed I couldn't sleep, my head was feeling much better when I got.... Lizzy's scent?

I got up from the bed and went to the window. I couldn't believe my eyes. She hugged Embry, in a very tight hug, okay I'm being dramatic! But it still was a hug and they laughed together before she entered the house.

That little... After every thing I've done for her! I thought to myself just getting more mad.

Then after a while, not to long Lizzy entered the room and I didn't greet her too nice. Instead I shouted,


"What?" She asked.

I repeated, "WHERE WERE YOU!"

"I was with Leah and E-Embry." She said looking a bit nervous and scared.

I couldn't believe my ears. After that we had a big argument. Yes we did. Something to do with she wasn't my property. She was mine, but yes she wasn't my property.

I don't know how it slipped out but is shouted at her calling her a slut, I could see the tears welling up in my eyes. It tugged on my heart to see her like that but I didn't care at that point, well I did but I let my damn ego get in the way.

I slammed the door behind me breathing hard. I wanted to turn back, but I walked off because I was going to deal with Embry now. I was sure she was crushed and from outside I used my good hearing and heard her soft cries. I felt like I should have just killed myself for making her cry like that.

But come on, she had the nerve to fool around with Embry after she said she loved me, oh no I was going to kill Embry. When I got back home, I was surprised Embry was there since he lived with Emily but wow my luck, I thought smirking.

He saw me coming and he, well I was guessing was about to greet me when I punched him in his face, causing him to get a bloody nose and grabbed him by his hand bruising it by slamming him into a tree.

"WHAT THE FUCK MAN!" He shouted pushing me away holding his nose.


"Dude, I don't like her like that. What are you talking about?" He asked and I explained to him about the woods.

"Seth... I gotta tell you something." He said sitting on the log slowly looking up at me. After he told me the story I couldn't feel more like a jackass! How could I assume something like that and make my little blossom cry for no reason even if she had done it she didn't deserve that. I explained my part of the story to Embry and he was shocked and kicked me in the shin.

"You damn basterd!" He shouted, "Look I'm sorry." I said holding my leg. He forgave me afterwards, then I had to apologise to Lizzy before it was too late.

And then there she was, "Embry!" She shouted and I saw the tear stains on her face which made me feel even worse.

This is one of my longest chapters so far! Like omg!😶😂Hope you enjoyed it though, cause I actually enjoyed this one, I don't know why I enjoyed this one so so much. Probably because it was longer than the rest. This contains, 1148 words. Bravo!



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