Chapter 28|•The Great News

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"Your what?" He asked pulling his head from the crook of my neck and stared into my eyes. "Yeah I am." I said getting scared that he won't approve of this.

"I can't believe this." He said bending down his head and I bent down mine too, I sighed, he's upset. I thought.

"I'm going to be a dad!" He shouted and my head shot up and a smile crossed my face. "This is- this- it's the second best day of my life!" He shouted grinning tears cascading down his face as he pulled me into a hug.

"Wait what your first?" I asked curious.

"Meeting you." He said, his finger under my chin as he pulled me into a rough passionate kiss. "How far along are you?" He asked touching my stomach.

"Two weeks."

"I'm going to be a dad!" he shouted again kissing my stomach. "Daddy's gonna keep you safe forever." He said running my stomach and I giggled.

"I hope so." I teased. "You know. I will. I'm going to keep you and our baby safe." He said kissing me again. "We have to tell everyone the good news." He said and I shook my head laughing, "I think Renesmee told everyone already." I said giggling as I used my hearing and heard her telling everyone downstairs she's going to have a niece.

"So I guess that means no sex till the baby is born."

"I BELIEVE you can still get laid even being pregnant. Just we can't do around your seventh months going down to be sure." He smirked wiggling his eyebrows.

"And your carrying a wolf, vampire and human baby." He said whistling. "Man and this is just the beginning were going to have so many kids! Maybe 100!" He exclaimed and my eyes widened.

"One hundred do you want me to die!" I shouted smacking his shoulder and he kissed me, "You can't die. But yeah I guess your right one hundred is too much. Besides I won't want you to lose this sexy figure of your." He pecking the top of both my breasts.

"Oh I see. You only love me for my figure." I huffed playfully and he picked me up and placed me on his lap. "You know that's not the reason I love you. I love your beauty but I love your personality more." He said kissing down my arm.

I smiled and kissed his head inhaling the wonderful sweet smelling scent of his shampoo he used, I don't know something about his hair I love. It smells so good. "Like the hair huh." He teased and I giggled. I kissed his temples and ran my finger over his bottom lip.

He cupped the back of my head pulling me in for a deep passionate kiss, forcing his tongue inside my mouth, we were having a war for dominance and of course won. I could feel him smiling in the kiss as he realised he won.

After he pulled away I could tell my lips were swollen. "I gotta be careful with those fangs." He said touching the tip of his tongue laughing.

"Well maybe you shouldn't be to rough." I said showing him my fangs showing of a wicked smile and he chuckled. He gave me one more kiss before we went downstairs.

"I'm going to be a grandfather!" I heard my shouted when I arrived downstairs and I was taken in his warm and loving arms for a hug. "I'm do happy we're having a baby." I said looking at Seth and I could see him looking nervous was he alright.

I looked over at Leah and Embry and they looked the same as Seth did, what did that mean?

That night I was showered with gifts for the baby, Emmett and Rosalie were fighting on what gender the baby would be which made me laugh. I really had a good family, when Seth wasn't around Jacob, Quil and Emmett would keep me company along with Bella, Renesmee, Emily, Leah, Emma and Chase. Sometimes.

As for Emma and Chase, they fit in right here. They were adopted to the Cullens family just like me. I was kinda upset how Seth wasn't around a lot. It's been one month and he wasn't around like he's supposed to be and it made me angry and upset.

I was laying on my bed when Seth walked in, not even knocking. "Hey blossom." He said smiling and I was smiled, I was so happy to see him, I was going to greet him before he interrupted saying,

"I wanna take you somewhere."

A baby is on the way!



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