Chapter 26|•Predicament

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"Seth hurry up." I shouted as he was still way behind us. We were making our way to the caves when I got a strange feeling. Like a vibe I guess, but I didn't say anything I just kept on walking. Finally, praise the Lord Seth caught up.

We went into the cave as usual and when we came out, we didn't see Emma or Chase. "Chase!" Leah called but he didn't come out. "Emma!" Embry and I called, still no one came.

If they were playing a prank on us it wasn't funny so we went deeper down into the forest. I couldn't believe my eyes, Emma was running up to us, her lip bleeding her clothes ripped and she looked weak and worn out.

"Emma!" Embry shouted running up to as she fell into his arms, Seth and I caught up to her as Leah continued looking for Chase, but after a while she ran up to us. "Embry." Was the only word I heard from Emma's mouth. Then she spoke, "Baby- your... Your." She as I pointing to his nose and he told her not to worry about that.

She looked over to my direction and saw Seth. "Who's that? Why's he here?" She asked, "No time to explain, what happened to you?" Embry asked. "And where is Chase?" Leah asked.

I couldn't believe my ears, her father found out about the imprints and saw when we were leaving and was having Chase locked in a cell beaten with steaks. More like stabbed! "What!" Leah cried. "He's not dead but I don't think he could take anymore and my father says he's going to put him in the sun, for distracting the family." Emma cried out, "Save my brother please." She cried and we informed Embry to take her back to the pack and explain, we'll handle this.

"Hun how did you escape?" Embry asked holding her tightly fear filled his eyes.

"Chase broke my chain but he didn't have enough strength to break his and when I tried I couldn't so he told me to run away and don't look back and tell Leah I love her." She broke down, sobbing the words I could tell she didn't have a grip on herself. Who would in this situation?

After hearing that, Leah broke down in tears and we hurried to the mansion. They would have sent me to take her back but I said I was a vampire and I have a power, it could help so they let Embry took her back for sure. It's better for her to be with him than me anyways.

She's already worried about her brother, I don't want her worrying about her boyfriend too.

The mansion was so ancient. It was broken down in more ways than one, I'm surprised it didn't collapse. The walls were black, the window glass were shattered and it left nothing but horror for me in my thoughts.

We entered the house only to be welcomed by six different vampires and one holding a glass of blood in champagne glass. "I'm guessing your the father?" I said with sassed. He gave one wicked laugh showing off his teeth and shaking his glass, making the blood swirl in it.

"You must... Hmm... Maybe Lizzy and you there are obviously-" he pointed at Leah but before he could answer, someone else did.

"Leah!" Chase shouted from across the room, he was tied up. Bloody scars crossed his body in every direction not to mention stab marks on his face! What the fuck!

"Chase." Leah whispered looking at Chase but then she looked back at the father, "Let him go!" She shouted and he laughed again and tilted his head at the vampires who were holding Chase.

They released him and both Leah and Chase ran up to each other, but Chase was using all his strengths he has left I could tell. When they finally reached other Leah pulled him into the biggest hugs I've ever seen her given and Seth and I ran up to them as well.

"What a reunion!" The father yelled clapping his hand slowly, like in those movies.

"Okay shows over, kill them." He shouted and I gasped. He would kill his own son! That is when the fight broke out, everyone fought now that he's had two vampires holding Chase that we made it right vampires we had to fight, eight strong vampires! Eight!

I felt a large amount of pain when I was hit in the stomach, it was one I never felt before and it like hell. As he was about to hit me again I saw...




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