Chapter 7|•The Cullens

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I woke up in a unfamiliar room. From the details around the room, it looked like a boy's room. Wait what the hell was I doing here?! So many questions circulated through my head? Where was I? Who's house is this? What happened? Was it all a dream? Where's my dad? Was that really a vampire?

Then when I tried to get up I felt my entire body hurt from pain, that mean that attack wasn't a dream. I felt tears welling up in my eyes, it took me a while and I slowly sat up. Then the door opened.



"Liz. Are you okay?" He said running up to me and sat beside me on the bed. He took my hand and kissed it, "I'm so sorry. I should have been there." He said and I could see him trying to hold back the tears. "I'm fine." I said. "This is my fault, I shouldn't have acted like I did." He said rubbing my hand gently.

"Seth I'm fine, how did you know this was going to happen, it's not your fault." I said using my next hand and caressing his face. "No, it is Lizzy, I should have just told you every thing from the start." He said moving closer to me and placing his head in the crook of my neck, kissing it ever so softly.

I ran my fingers through his hair. He lifted up his head and spoke, "I came so late to rescue you, Don't worry that vampire won't be able to hurt you again." He said. Wait so it was a vampire?!

"Seth were you that big wolf? And was that a real vampire." I asked, I could see he didn't want to answer me but as he opened his mouth I saw some people barged in and our attention turned to them.

"Hello there, I'm Dr. Carlisle Cullen." He said smiling at me. I was unsure about him and was so scared but Seth squeezed my hand, "It's alright." He said. Carlisle had pale skin, fangs like a vampire but except he had topaz eyes.

"Are you a vampire?" I asked and he smiled, "Yes I am. But don't worry child, I'm a good one." He said and I looked at him confused? A good one?! The rest of them walked up behind him and they looked the same like him with their pale skin and topaz eyes. Then I saw Sam, Embry, Emily, Jared, Paul and Leah.

Then I was so relived when I saw my father!?

"Dad!" I smiled in relief and he smiled and hugged me. "Baby I'm  sorry." He said. "We.. I..  Should have told you." He said. "Mr. Ross." Carlisle said and I looked back and fort at Carlisle and my father. "You know him dad?" I asked.

"Yes honey." He said. "I have something to tell you he said." I was all ears.

"You see... Jacob is not cousin, his father is just my friend, we met right here in Seattle, your mother and I came here for a visit and we met them and yes I did get attached to Jacob and that is when I started to consider him as my son and we got really close although he is older than me, he treated me as if I was an elder to him,you see Jacob is a shifter, a werewolf and so is Paul, Embry, Leah, Emily, Jared, Sam and Seth." He said.

"What.. So how old is Jacob?" I asked. "Um.. Don't worry I'm just in my hundreds." He said and my eyes widened.

"Your mother also didn't die with lung cancer, you wouldn't remember because you were only three years old, we were going to live here. Yes we were, we were staying with my aunt. Your mother was killed by a vampire and I knew it wasn't safe for you. So we had to leave and go back La Push and that vampire, Alice." He said pointing to a girl who was giving us a warm smile, with a pixie hair cut, "she said in the future we would be back and she was right, you see these are the good vampires there are two types, the good and bad and the Cullens are the good ones."

In those hours I was introduced to all of them. The one with the blonde frizzy hair was Jasper Hale, Alice Cullen the woman with the pixie hair cut, was his girlfriend, Carlisle Cullen who was like the father of the Cullens, his wife Esme Cullen, who had brown hair and looked like a calm person, Emmett Cullen, the strongest vampire of the group, Rosalie Hale, she had blonde hair, Emmett's girlfriend and was a bit bossy if I may add, but not to me but to the wolves.

Bella Cullen, who was a human like me before but was transferred, she was the wife of a very charming and handsome vampire, Edward Cullen and they had a daughter, Renesmee but she had brown eyes just like her mother. And she was a little girl so adorable.

I heard all they stories on how they became vampires and it fascinated me a bit. I also learned how the vampires have a special power like, Alice can see into the future, Emmett has super strength, Edwards could read minds and Bella, although she was a human before she had a barrier around her mind which she was like a shield and that shocked me the most. Everything was going well until I saw Carlisle looking at me seriously and he touched my face lightly and turned my head around and I heard everyone gasped.

What do you think? She met the Cullens? What's in store for her?



Seth Clearwater~His Imprint[COMPLETED]✔Where stories live. Discover now