Chapter 22|•Meet Up

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"Embry can I come along too?" I asked, I saw him walking away and he nodded at me. "Well since you know already I don't see why- wait Lizzy we've been going for the past two weeks" He said smiling and I smiled back at him walking by his side.

"Oh yeah!" I said acting surprised.

When we arrived we saw Leah was there with Chase and Emma ran up to Embry jumping in his arms giving him a warm kiss as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Lizzy!" She squealed jumping off him and hugging me.

"I'm so glad you guys came. I had to sit here alone watching them kiss, like ew!" She said in disgust making the four of us laugh. Leah got of Chase lap walking over to me giving me a hug and giving Embry a push.

"Hey Leah. Hey Chase." I said hugging both of them. Then Chase and Embry started they own conversation. So Leah, Emma and I started our own conversation. "Ooo someone's glowing." Emma teased and I looked at her, "What?" I asked smiling.

"Girl it's obvious you got laid." Leah said picking up her water bottle from the ground taking a sip from it. "Must have been good. I'm proud of my brother." Leah teased me and I playfully punched her. "Shut up." I giggled.

We stayed for ours, I got a close connection with Chase and Emma not to mention I found two good friends in Leah and Embry. Embry was just like Seth in a way, just a bit more perverted than usual, in his jokes. "Embry that's just disgusting!" I snapped making everyone laughed. "What it's true." He said chuckling and I laughed right after.

"I think it's time I head home." I said. "I'll be down there in an hour." Leah said her hands wrapped around Chase neck and I giggled and shook my head. "Bye Lizzy." She said giving me a hug and she hugged and have Embry a kiss saying goodbye, "Bye baby." She said and he kisses her head, "Bye hun."

"I think you should really tell your pack about her." I said correcting myself, "About them, both Emma and Chase."

"I think we should still wait the month." Embry said his hands in his pocket. "Isn't it going to get worse the longer you wait?" I asked and he stopped in his tracks looking back at me bending down his head. "She's a nice girl, I'm sure everyone will love her." I said smiling at him and he nodded.

"I'll talk to Leah about it, but I think your right." He said nodding and smiling at me and I smiled back as we walked back home. "Home sweet home." I said looking at the Cullens house. He laughed, "Well I catch you tomorrow." He said giving me a hug and I hugged him back.

"If your going to check on Emma later tell the darling I said hi." I said he and he smiled, "Same goes for Chase and Leah." I said and he nodded, "Of course." He said laughing before he walked off.

I walked in the house to be greeted by Emily and Esme, they were both in the kitchen and came out when they saw me. "Hey Lizzy." Emily said and I ran up to her hugging her tightly and giving Esme a hug too.

"How was your day?" I asked. "It was okay." I said. "What did you do?" Esme asked smiling at me pouring me a cup of orange juice. "I hung with Embry and Leah." I answered. "Leah?" They both said in shocked and I giggled, "Yes Leah."

"Where is she?" Esme asked. "Well she wandered off so I came back home with Embry." I answered. I couldn't say I hung out with Leah and Embry and they imprints that you two don't know about.

"That's like Leah, wandering off." Emily said laughing and I giggled again. "What did you guys do?" Emily asked stirring something in the pot. It smelt like chilli. "Nothing really, what are you making?" I asked tapping my cup with my finger nail lightly so I don't chip the cup.

"Chilli." She answered.

"I thought so, it's one of my favourite dishes." I said smiling and she nodded. "It smells good." I said. "I know it's one of your favourite it also Renesmee favourites too and Seth told me it was and he was cooking it but he went upstairs, I think he was feeling under the weather." She answered confused.

"He's here?" I asked smiling and they nodded. "I'll go check on him." I said smiling resting down the cup smiling at them before I went up the stairs. I
As soon as I opened the door I was greeted by an angry Seth,

"WHERE WERE YOU!?" He shouted.

"What?" I asked.

"WHERE WERE YOU!" He repeated again.

"I was with Leah and E-Embry." I said nervously.

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