Chapter 6|•Attacked

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It was so horrifying. I didn't know what it was and what it wanted. Fear took over my body and I trembled in fear, my palms became sweaty and beads of perspiration formed on my head as I couldn't understand what was going on.

His eyes were blood red, he had fangs, had pale skin, and was incredibly strong when I tried to move I couldn't, he also had light brown hair, not brunette but close enough he had blood on his mouth when I looked at it. This got me thinking.

No... No.. No... It couldn't be... No it wasn't true it couldn't be a.. A... A... Vampire!?

It had all the features a vampire would have, from all the movies and books I read, the only conclusion, it could be was that he was a vampire. This made me more scared that ever.

What scared more than ever was seeing a smirk plastered on his face, "Why aren't just a pretty thing?" He said using his hand lifting up my chin. "Please leave me alone..." I cried out and he laughed. "Oh no." He said placing his mouth on my neck, "Your blood is so fresh." He said licking his way up to my temple and I couldn't help but feel disgusted by this. I don't know why, but I wished it was Seth.... Or maybe Seth would come and save me but there was no chance of that. I was in the middle of the forest.

Then with so much of force he pushed against a next tree and he moved so swiftly I didn't get time to react, one of his hand was on my left hand and the next one around my neck, but not to tight to say it would choke me. I groaned in pain and gasped as I felt him nipping on my neck.

"Such a pretty girl, in a forest alone. Just my day." He growled scaring me. "What do you want." I cried out in pain at such an impact I had. "Mhm, I'm not sure if I wanna kill a pretty one like this. I'd rather have you as my own." He said looking deep in my eyes.

My heart was beating hard against my chest, what did he mean by that? Wait did he want.... me...? "No" I groaned, "Why not?" He asked kissing my cheek and moving down to my lips kissing me hard and I tried so hard to push him away, when I succeeded I shouted, "Don't touch me you nasty son of-" before I could finish I felt myself being slammed into a next tree.

This time it was harder than before and blood was dripping down from my head, lip and arms and legs probably from every where in my body. I felt weak. "I don't appreciate your tone!" He yelled gripping my neck and I saw him staring at my head and smirking. "Well if I can't have you, I guess I could just suck you dry." He smirked.

"But before I do that." He said surprisingly touching my face lightly, he kissed my cheek moving lower down to my neck. I just wanted him to stop, it didn't feel right not at all. He trailed his tongue up to my head and licked the blood and I was just more disgusted than ever and he smiled at me.

"Let go of me!" I yelled. He grabbed my face between his fingers and lifted my head up so he could have more access to my neck. He kissed my neck gently nibbling and then before I knew it I got a hard bite from him and he let go of my face after sucking a some of my blood, I wondered why he stopped and I realised I couldn't keep my eyes open from all my blood loss, in my body.

Then I saw was a what looked like a big brown wolf, grab him by his neck and ripped it off. I gasped and screamed, and my eyes were closing on me. I saw Seth.

"It's going to be okay." I heard him say.

"Let's take her to the Cullens." I heard Jacob said.

"We have to save her. I can't let my imprint die!" I heard him shout and before I could even think about the word, but who were the CULLENS?! I felt myself being lifted and when I looked up I saw Seth with a concerned look and he touched my face lightly.

I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer, the blood was draining from my body slowly and I thought I was going to die.

The last thing I heard was, "You'll be alright my imprint......"

Then I fell unconscious.

What did you think not this chapter?  Now she is going to meet the Cullens!!!!!! Who have been waiting for this?
If I'm being honest I enjoy writing this book and I hope you do too and stick around to see what happens next and I wanna thank you to all my readers so far I really appreciate it. You have no idea!



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