Chapter 17|•Unknown Vampire Pt 1

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I woke finding the other side of the bed empty.  "Good morning blossom." I heard Seth say and I sat up and I turned to see him holding a tray walking up to me.

"Here I bet your hungry." He said resting the tray on my lap as he sat beside me. The tray was had, eggs, bacon, croissant, toast, a strawberry yogurt and a cup of fresh orange juice. "You joining?" I asked and he shook his head, "I ate already." He said kissing my head.

"This is amazing." I said taking another bite of the eggs. "I'm glad you like it, because I made every thing." He said proudly. "It's amazing." I spoke smiling at him. "I'm glad you like it." He said kissing me a kiss on my head.

"Last night was incredible." He said kissing my neck. "Yes it was." I moaned, "Seth stop I'm hungry." I giggled as he kept on kissing my neck lightly and I felt him smirking against my neck. So I pushed him away lightly making him pout.

"I have to go anyways I'm meeting up with Quil and Jared." He said kissing my forehead and grabbing a jersey from the closet. "Bye baby." He said and I waved him goodbye.

I quickly at my food and took a bath, putting on my top that was sleeveless and my usual jeans. I was so sore and my legs felt like jelly. I mean I always knew Seth would be good in bed but damn he's ruthless and rough, yet so gentle which I didn't mind.

"Hey Amy." I said bringing the tray along with me. She smiled at me taking the tray, "How was your night?" She asked and I smiled, "It was okay." I spoke and I saw Embry holding an apple in his hand smirking and he mouthed, better than okay. I rolled my eyes at him playfully and he chuckled.

"Well I'm glad you slept well." Amy said smiling at me. "I believe she had rough night." Embry said taking a bite of his apple and I shot him a glare and Leah punched him in his shoulder. "Shut up Embry." She said giggling and I laughed.

"I think I should be going now." I spoke giving them goodbyes and leaving. I decided since obviously my dad went to work and Seth was out I decided to take a walk to the lake.


The breeze blowing through my hair, it was so calm and peaceful here. I decided to use my telekinesis and I watched the water and suddenly little droplets of water was now in the air looking as if it was rain. It was beautiful, I thought but the I suddenly snapped out of my trance, when I heard footsteps behind me using my super hearing and with my new speed I quickly turned around.

I saw a female vampire in shadows, more like the shades of the trees. I ran up to her and stood in front of her. She had light brown hair, pale just like a vampire only this time she had red eyes. She made the screech sound opening her mouth showing her fangs.

I didn't flinch one bit instead I showed her my fangs too and she stood in front me looking side to side. It's a good thing I had good reflexes because as she dashed in my direction I pulled to side making her run into the sun and running out of it running into the other direction.

I was curious to know where she was going so I followed her. It was obvious she wasn't one of the Cullens, because she had red eyes. I followed her reaching my destination in a flash reaching a huge cave. I didn't know if to go in it or not but I saw her to through it so why not, I tried to be as quite as I can and seeing a bright light on the other end I can across a big mansion.

It was in a distance maybe a few metres away but with my good vision now it looked very close to me. I used my vision and saw the unknown girl looking around before entering the house and she came back out looking both her direction. It had trees all over.

Then I saw her not running but walking to her left leading to the forest so I followed her. I saw her by a tree, she looked like she was waiting for someone and I approached her. She turned and looked at me, this time she didn't show her fangs she just stood there in the shadows looking at me.

Then I felt a warm hand on my shoulder causing me to jump.

I screamed and turned around,  and he was wearing a hoodie and he nodded at me and I watched as he walked passed me going over to her holding her hand.

I was surprised when he removed his hoodie and revealed.....


Why was Embry there? Who is she? Why was she by the lake? What's going to happen next?



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