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once they reached the phantomhive manor, they decided to string along with the redhead vixen. her shiny cherry hues glistening in fascination while she admired the puritanical designs and the botanical freshly trimmed hedges that stood in front. she was sitting beside the woman holding the reins, whose curls were slightly disheveled after a hasty session—quickie —that seemed necessary to lucinda before embarking.

in any case, brahms was admiring the magnificent staircase which delivered some kind of hospitality yet there was also a memorial apprehension. although the exterior itself appeared grand, the walls were faintly emitting a wide sinister impact. it made him fidgety, which in result the habitual bounces from his legs and the fiddling of his fingers caught his fianceé's attention.

       she raised her well-defined brow and watched at his restless behavior, ❝ the phantomhive manor surged into ablaze a few years ago after an accident. unfortunately, people inside were perished, ❞ the young girl attempted to ease his troubling condition with the background of the house, but to no avail, he was still tapping his shoes on the carriage's floor, ❝ as you can see, the estate is now restored. i'm quite enthralled by the scrupulous creation. it's marvelous. ❞ her lips compressed against each other, forming a gentle smile.

         after hearing the tragic history that hid behind the amber fieldstone barrier, he couldn't help but feel sympathetic towards the earl. he wondered how a child can tolerate the pang of ache & melancholy and move on like it was nothing. in the first ciel encounter, he looked somewhere around his age. not that he was judgemental or anything, but she told him the unfortunate event happened a few years ago and he could consider that he was a young'un back then during the fire.

          how could he suffer through it and swiftly letting go the painful memory? the first time he met him, his face was perfectly content. he gazed back at his significant other who had a faraway expression on her face. realization dawned on his features and a frown tugged on his lips. the dull casted-eyes and the persistent reassurance from yesterday make sense now. according to a wise friend from the streets of new york they told him something, ❛ when times are tough, dare to be tougher. ❜

        a brief knock rattled on the door, ❝ we have arrived, madam and brahms. ❞ it opened and it revealed none other than the wicked butler. the other witch held the door open, yet her apple irises were still transfixed at the view. malcolm exited the vehicle, eyes wide as saucers with the ginger while also surprisingly multitasking in carrying lady delores' snow-gloved hand.

         ❝  i cannot handle the excitement rushinb through my veins, i look forward in meeting this demo- butler you speak of! ❞ lucinda bit her tongue to refrain from any rising suspicion since the oblivious brahms was here.

       she rolled her sea-green irises, ❝ how can you possibly be enamored after i summarized his hideous, unlovely information? ❞ a heartless scoff eliciting afterward.

      the group trudged on the rigid flight of stairs that heads towards the large entryway. coincidentally— though it was expected, —it opened to divulge the demon butler; his porcelain face royally chiseled whilst his deceiving wine hues chilled the redhead to the core. he feigned a grin, humbly nestling his hand on his chest and stepped aside.

       ❝ greetings, lady kirkham. the young master is expecting your arrival, however, we didn't expect you to be early. ❞ he responded and gestured them to enter the room, exposing the grand staircase.

         lucinda and brahms were marvelled, ❝ greetings as well, ❞ she curtsied, clinching a part of her gown, ❝  hm, i prefer to be punctual and arranging results-oriented right away. i'm presuming the earl has set an interrogation over tea. that's traditional, nevertheless, i don't want to argue. ❞

(𝙘𝙞𝙚𝙡 𝙥𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙤𝙢𝙝𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now