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once they exited the premises, the abhorrent odor diminished their nostrils, leaving them at ease. they stumbled into a broad, lengthy hallway that occupied a few small dim chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. it produced an ominous vibe, because few of the light sources were steadily flickering. the temperature was unnaturally chilly than it was the outside, which was still raining.

incrementally, [your name] strolled forward, the others ensuing to trail her back. her shoes thumped against the maroon dusty carpet, forming particles as she continued to step on the floor. she overheard ciel sneezing behind her, consequently bursting a snicker from her mouth. peeking slightly over her shoulder, she was met with his indignant scowl.

the sneer of his face intensified when he heard the additional chuckle from his own butler. he sighed heavily, in which the exhaling noise rebounded in the distance like a boomerang returning to its thrower. it was a safe assumption that this estate was empty, almost as if no one lived here. the [your eye color]-eyed girl scrutinized her surroundings, her index finger pushing on her upper lip.

❝ do you reckon that the people who were lost in this mansion were kidnapped as opposed to being missing? ❞ the young earl chimed a question behind her, restoring back his relaxed behavior instead of his sneezing. she paused in her tracks, but still proceeding to study her setting.

a deep frown etched on her face, denoting she was in her profound thoughts, ❝ either of those two guesses has the likelihoods, but we haven't found the hostages so we'll just resume on pursuing the research, otherwise, ❞ coincidentally, a struck of lightning occurred, ❝ we're wasting time. ❞ the flash reflected on her face and it was like a dramatic effect.

      he dipped his head low, facing severely to the ground, ❝ right... ❞ his voice faltered and complied to her wishes instead. sebastian's brows drew to the bridge of his nose while ponderingly folding and propping his arms.

       ❝ since the basement is underneath us, wouldn't there be an attic? ❞ the demon suggested, his mahogany irises igniting a mysterious flare. a snort coming from the witch made all of them snapped her heads towards her.

      ❝ that's a rhetoric implication, wouldn't you think it to yourself, michaelis? ❞ her voice was flagrantly rough, yet smooth at the same time.

     he sent her a restful suave expression and that merely submitted her blood boiling, ❝ then we'll just have to see. shall we, bocchan? ❞ he whipped his gaze to the young lord, who wore a sly smirk.

      ❝ i don't see why not. ❞ was his reply.

navigating to find the attic was difficult enough considering that the area itself was vacant and nothing. not a single furniture or furnishings like bed, toilet, etc. were near in the sight. simply hollow like the shell of a china polished statue elephant. the hallways were beginning to procure thinner air and whenever one of them sighed, it would launch a puff of smoke.

grell, who seemed to be voicing everyone's complaining thoughts— minus veronica and sebastian —whined crankily, ❝ i'm fatigued, i wanna take a break from this pointless walking! ❞ it enhanced the [your hair color]-haired girl's enragement.

         ❝ would you rather do or die? ❞ her nose was blazing as an angry bull in a match, ❝ i would advise you to pick the first choice, the other choice would be immediately arranged. ❞ the death god had forgotten about the dangerous crossbow that was safely conducted by her. well, 'safely' was only another term.

❝ ALRIGHT, FINE! ❞ she recoiled back in fear at another of her threats, yet also cringing, ❝ you don't have to be so bitter! why do you give me the cold shoulder anyway? ❞ that was a question that stuck to the young aristocrat. in his observations, lady delores' behavior completely changed into a downfall.

(𝙘𝙞𝙚𝙡 𝙥𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙤𝙢𝙝𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now