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recollecting the last chapter, it appears both characters, [your name] and ciel were stuck in close proximity. the tips of their noses were almost touching and neither one of them could move a single inch, but their features were warping into unfazed or fazed faces. in a far distance, one might assume that the earl was pinning lady delores on the floor. however, in reality, she was grasping on the end of his white-collar to pull him closer. there was a reason why she took action, simply because she wanted to withdraw an amusement from the boy. it was out of the blue, and possibly eccentric & impolite. nevertheless, she was able to generate a fluster from the lord phantomhive. a red pigment crawled on his cheeks, payback for avoiding her presence and concerns must be another reason. she giggled hysterically and playfully pushed him out of her front view, eyelids tightly shut in exaggerating laughter. he distributed her a look of flushing annoyance, as a tick mark grew on the side of his forehead.

❝ you should've seen the look on your face! ❞ she dragged her knees to her chest while her arms under it to clutch her stomach. a few silky strands fell on her face, giving a messy but ecstatic glow. he proceeded to remain irritated, but when her tresses cascaded he felt a churn on his tummy, ❝ your expression was priceless! oh, i love teasing your easily-flustered-self! ❞ she finished her laughter with a small breathy chortle in the end. her head tilted to the side, almost resting on her shoulder. ciel was in awe and he felt the same thing when he saw her twirling in the previous painting they went to. he failed to describe the feeling, but at least he knew it was some type of a wonderful feeling. it grabbed shivers and tickled his coiling insides, making his heart clench spiritually.

he clicked his tongue after subsiding these emotions, ❝ tch, well that was just a waste of time. i didn't want to sample myself for your own amusement anyway, ❞ an exasperated sigh drafted out of his mouth as he stood up, not bothering to lend her a hand. she huffed a bit and stood up after, ❝ i asked a question, something worth mentioning about the cause of your sudden regurgitation. and it triggered you to do so, tell me, what exactly did you see beyond the window? ❞ he inquired, the octaves of his voice dropping as well as the blushing demeanor. a veil of pregnant silence wafted between them and it made the scenery appear duller than ever. the thick strands sheltered over her eyes, preventing him to see those pretty [your eye color] spheres. she flicked her head to brush her hair and her face merely displayed a look of mirthless. inhaling deeply, she blinked at the earl in almost a bland fashion. warping his expression into an inquisitive one, he scrutinized his own hues at her exterior.

❝ have you ever felt intoxicated in people's words to the point you feel like you can't breathe because there's a lot of words? ❞ there was no sign of emotion straying on her features. he submitted a reluctant shake of his head in response. she crinkled the corners of her eyes and laughed bitterly, like a broken gramophone that danced out of her lips, ❝ people speak like an infinite deal of nothing until it actually becomes something to them. they're so envious, greedy, and selfish. i'm slowly losing my faith in humanity, to be frank. ❞ a sigh passed her lips as she glanced at the slated surface of the ice floor. her own complexion stared back at her, impassive as usual. it was bizarre to witness lady delores like this since usually, she would occupy a mischievous attitude. but this opened a little gap for the queen's guard dog to enter her true nature, if this was even it.

he arched his thin blue brow above his featured eye, ❝ it could be said humans are more demonic than demons are, even i, myself, are like them, ❞ and that was the truth the liar told the liar. while staring at him blankly, she lifted her hair that slightly covered her eyes and briskly ran through the start of the hairline. he watched her like a mindful hawk, he then continued, ❝ and you too. ❞ his response caused her to react her flat-lined lips to a curved glasgow grin. she skillfully tied her hair into a ponytail and the mane rested on her shoulder as the fabrics of a curtain. mayhaps it was the lighting, or the painting, but he could've sworn his vision captured a wicked glint shimmering in her dark ombre [your eye color] hues. she hummed in delight, pursing her lips to stuff the words he said in her eardrums. there was absolutely something about this girl, something he can't quite put the pad of his index finger on it. it drew him to further curiosity even after answering his questions; how she spoke so calmly and honestly. if that was even the case. now, his perspective about her changed. she wasn't a pawn, more like a rook.

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